It seems that I have miscalculated my pending promotion. Uncle LeRoy is VERY strict about pay grades, time in grade, etc. To get promoted from one grade to the next, the rule of thumb is you have to serve time (52 weeks) in the next lower grade, plus wait 1 pay period. This all translates to not being eligible for promotion until 54 weeks after the last promotion.
For some reason, I thought I got promoted last May, when I actually got promoted last March. Since I've received the personnel action documention, the next payday brings the fundage!!!
In true Uncle LeRoy Cotton Picker Promotion fashion...I'd like to invite everyone out Friday night...on me (but not too late, because I have class in Heidelberg bright and early Saturday morning).
In other news, the trip to Disneyland Paris has been postponed 2 weeks, due to half of the World's Busiest Air Base wanting to take advantage of the Memorial Day weekend. SHHHHH...don't tell P, but on the Friday that we are at the park, she is to have breakfast with a gang of Disney characters. There is nothing she's more scared of than seeing a Disney character up close and personal~she says their heads are too big.
Just one more thing...
This morning, I had a slight altercation with the car door while unloading the Sleeping Princess (a.k.a. Eating Machine) at daycare. This is the bruise:

Maybe BMW stands for Bruise My Whitespot.
Posted by Margaret
9:29 PM

P's friend J was with us from Thursday to Saturday. Her mom went on a shopping trip to Italy for the weekend (it's an addiction!), and her dad is on Uncle LeRoy's Subsidized Vacation to the Land of the Sand. After picking P and J from daycare on Thursday, we went to J's house to pickup clothes and her bike.
Friday, 90% of the World's Busiest Air Base had the day off, so I took the day off from pickin' cotton, too. I planned to sleep in Friday morning, but both P and J were up at 7am sharp. After lunch, we went to the movies to see Robots. P loved it and keeps telling me she's moving to Robot City. After the movies, armed with a bag of sliced apples for the animals, we went for a walk with Crazy Dog to show J the animals in our village. There are donkeys, chickens, dairy cattle, a potbellied pig, and rabbits. I DO NOT live in the country, these are animals people have as 'pets'. We also dyed eggs...all 6 of hem. I don't have pictures because I rushed them to hurry and finish. The one thing I've learned...the quicker something gets done, the less chance for mess. We were done in about 20 minutes.
Saturday, along with the entire military population in the area with children under 10 years old, I took P and J to the Easter festivities on the World's Busiest Air Base. In an effort to ensure they would be nice and tired after the festivities (and ready for a nap), I packed P and J's bikes, and CD into the car, and parked waaayyy across base at a friend's house, so they would be forced to ride to the park. P also convinced me we needed to have a picnic at the park, so after packing snacks, we were off...
Once there, P and J participated in the Easter egg hunt, which was more like 'plastic candy filled eggs laying out in the outfield of the softball field'. They both made out pretty good, but after it was all over before the field was cleared, P and J noticed a little girl with only 1 egg in her basket, so they both gave her a few of theirs.
After the egg hunt, P rode a horse. She really loves horses and is always asking if I can find one for her to ride:

Posted by Margaret
5:36 PM
The verdict is in...our summer itenerary is shaping up. We'll toss in weekend trips to London (to shop and see The Lion King again) maybe we can meet Kui for lunch, hmmm..., Geneva, Switzerland (to shop) and Rome and Florence, Italy (Michaelangelo's Statue of David...WOW!). Those are the plans...if you want a souvenir or a postcard, email me and let me know.
My original plan was to make plans for the 2 weeks that I am off between school terms. But, because I am such a procrastinator, impulse buyer, and I don't have to 'check' with anyone, our summer trips were all arranged in the last 3 days.
These are the plans:
Posted by Margaret
3:00 PM
Preface: P goes to the daycare on World's Busiest Airbase, and anyone who knows anything about the military knows that people come and go, pretty much on a regular basis. The staff at the daycare are basically military wives, which means the staff is constantly changing. Within the last 2 weeks, there have been 2 new caregivers (no transition period), and the Head Caregiver in Charge has been in her room for about 2 months. When a new caregiver is in her room, I tell them up front that they need to 'lay down the law' with P, or she will attempt to walk over them. P has been at this daycare since she was 10 weeks old (she's been there longer than ANY of the staff~except for the maintenance guy).
On to the story...
P is in a room with 3-5 year old kids (about 13 kids). This morning when I dropped her off, New Caregiver #1 was there, and told me about something P did yesterday. This afternoon, New Caregiver #2 was there, and told me P did something today, but wasn't quite sure what it was, but was told to tell me she did 'something'. I asked the New Assistant Director what went on today, and she told me that P was having an altercation with one of the NCs (I think they play with her too much), so she went in, and sat with her and talked with her and she was fine. NAD said HCiC (who works during the day and I never see her) wanted to call me while P was in the midst of having her meltdown, but they wouldn't let her.
I asked P what happened, she said she hit NC#1, AND almost kicked her...on purpose! All because she was crying after I left because she didn't want me to leave, and didn't want what NC#1 tried to give her to distract her.
We were to dye eggs for Easter this evening, but because of her altercation, I told P that we were not doing it, AND no TV, AND no computer, AND after her bath and dinner, it's straight to bed for her. She kicked her shoes off, screamed, cried, and snotted the entire 15 minute ride home. I just turned up the Kanye West cd.
I am SO not a disciplinarian that while I was talking to her about what happened today, I cried, BECAUSE I had to talk to her about it. I should add that P has gotten only 3 real spankings that I can remember (she gets that many from her dad in about 2 weeks, and she's only with him 4 days during that time). Basically, P is a good girl, but when you don't 'lay down the law', she WILL test you and if you fail the test, she will walk over you. NC#1 failed the test today.
Why no spanking, you ask?? Because growing up with my ex-step mother, this is what I basically remember of her being my step mother for 20 1/2 years: spankings turn into beating, which lead to resentment, which lead to hatred, which leads me to not seeing her since 1994, and not talking to her since 1995. Toss in a few 'Your mother wasn't sh*t, she didn't want you, and neither do I, and even after ALL those years, not ONE 'I love you', and you have the whole package. If I saw her today, I would have NO idea what to say to her...AT.ALL. (You don't know how hard it was to type that!)
So, that's why I really don't spank P.
After she finished eating dinner, I gave in a little, and let her lay on the couch for a while, where she fell asleep.
Maybe I need 'Discipline for Dummies'...or maybe I'm picking the wrong battles...
Posted by Margaret
9:04 PM
Update on the flower...'It's not growing fast enough!'~P.
Saturday, we didn't do much, although we did have plans. It wasn't very warm out, so we just stayed home and I did laundry. P did 'homework' on her 'puter.
Sunday, we went to the movies and saw Racing Stripes. It was a very cute movie, and P really enjoyed it. While we waited in line at the VERY expensive German theater, she spotted the poster for the movie Robots, so, I promised we will see it on Friday, when I take the day off (the powers-that-be don't know it yet), since her friend J will be with us from Thursday to Saturday evening.
After the movie, we went to the commissary to get fresh spinach for dinner:
Me: P, do you want spinach for dinner.
P: No, please, it's just grass.
Me: It's not grass, it's a vegetable.
P: Vegetables taste yummy.
Me: Spinach is yummy for me.
P: It's yummy for you, yucky grass for me.
I was also informed that we didn't have enough eggs to 'color', so we had to get more. I tried to talk her out of it, but thanks to Mary (the next trip we go on, I'm buying the Dictator a 1000 piece model of a working windmill), my dining room table might be a little 'discolored' Tuesday night.
While dinner was in the oven, we went for a walk along the bike/walking trail in our village to visit the farm animals nearby. P took her doll stroller and baby, because the baby 'needed some fresh air'. CD did very good about walking to the little ice cream hut and checked out the animals (he challenged a goat, but was scared of the chickens). He was so tired that he hitched a ride back to the house:

The Eating Machine is still eating, and for the past few days, has had the urge to 'get nekkid' and walk around the house in nothing but undies.
FOOTNOTE: Yes, I bought the spinach, and P ate some.
Posted by Margaret
8:27 PM
About a week ago, while the Eating Machine and I were on a mission in the commissary, she advised me that she NEEDED a carrot. Not a bag of carrots, not a bunch of carrots, but 'one carrot, with the grass still on it'. Since I'm still picking my battles, I bought her ONE carrot, complete with 'grass' on it. It cost me all of 8 cent (dippin' into the retirement fund once again).
Once we got home, she cleaned it with the vegetable brush and ate that one, tired carrot (and wasn't too keen on sharing).
This brings me to Wednesday. P decided she needed ONE flower. Not a bouquet, not a plant, but ONE flower.
I found this at one of the stores on base:

It's a can with one tulip bulb in it. It will grow the ONE flower, as requested.
This is the tulip bulb inside the can:

If P doesn't drown it with her little watering can, in a week or so, hopefully a PINK tulip will bloom. If the tulip is any color but pink, there might be cause for an altercation or two.
**SIDENOTE: I did buy 2. If hers isn't pink, it WILL get switched. If the other isn't pink either...OOPS***
Posted by Margaret
8:00 PM
I took P to get her shots yesterday. There was no snottin', cryin', and stallin' for time. Oh, P was fine, too. Before the 1st of the 3 shots were administered, she was most concerned with closing the room door, so 'that boy (grown man) over there won't see my CareBear panties'.
After she got the first two in the right leg, she wanted to see what was going on, and watched the Shot Jockey give her the last one in the left leg. Although she said it burned a little, she didn't cry. Don't worry, neither did I. Two bandaids later we were off to win the lottery~~the shake machine at Burger King on base was working~~and get vanilla shake.
Then she was off to spend the evening with D. When he bought her home, he said she was complaining that her legs were sore, but he thought she was faking it. HELLLLLO, she DID get 3 shots!!! So insensitive! He then proceded to tell me that she fell and got a 'small' scrape on her elbow when they went for a walk. While getting ready for bed, I noticed the 'small' scrape. All I can say is that maybe Department of Defense Dependant Schools and the DC public school system failed him for not teaching him the difference between small and not so small. The 'scrape' is not so small. It's big and nasty. So, P is working with 2 bum legs and a jacked up arm.
She woke at 2:38 am to tell me her legs were still hurting (I should have called D and told him that maybe she wasn't faking, I'm sure the future ex-stepmother would have appreciated it!). After a ham and cheese sandwich, cup of milk (eating machine in FULL effect), and children's asprin, we were back to sleep.
Thankfully, no more shots until she gets about 11. Sounds wrong, but that's what the Shot Jock said.
Crazy Dog went to the groomer today, for a mini extreme makeover:
Before (P took this picture):


Posted by Margaret
9:00 PM
Wednesday I shall take P to get her 3 shots. I told her she needs to get 3 shots, and she said 'OK'. I then asked her who should take her, and she chose yours truely.
I got my taxes done yesterday, and the all-knowing military tax volunteer told me that I did't qualify for the earned income credit this year. When I asked her why, she told me it was because I live overseas and not married to a military member (I have qualified EVERY year since I had P~I AM a Broke Single Parent). After she completed all the forms and told me how much plasma tv money I would get back, I went back to my office and called the IRS to get clarification. Agent number 56481-3873 (?) was very nice and had me on hold a few times, while she read blogs 'researched' my question (when was the last time the IRS updated their hold music? I almost fell asleep).
For all you in Blogland that work for Uncle LeRoy on an overseas military installation, and are a BSP...You QUALIFY for the EIC. You don't need to have a victim be married to someone in the military. If you work on a military installation outside the US, in the eyes of Uncle LeRoy, you are 'in the states' (I still ain't paying state taxes!). Since my return is currently being processed, it will have to be corrected manually, which means I'll get my extra $300 (enough to buy food for a month for the eating machine) just in time for next year's tax season. Due to the impending promotion, I already know I won't qualify next year, so, give me all my fundage now!!!
I got my grades for the 2 classes I took last term. For the yadda, yadda, yadda class (in which I was lost and watched DVDs on the laptop) I got a B, and in the class I trekked to Heidelberg for on the weekend, I got an A. The GPA continues to survive...
Posted by Margaret
9:00 PM
P and I had yet another one of our conversations this morning while driving to daycare and work:
P:You've been the mommy a long time.
Me: Yes, I have.
P: Well, it's my turn to be the mommy, now.
Me: What?
P: Ask me what I want you to do.
Me: What do you want me to do?
P: You have to say 'Mommy, what do you want to me do right now?'
Me: Mommy, what do you want me to do right now?
P: I want you to pull the car over, so I can drive me to daycare.
P's friend J did come over to spend the night on Friday. It was a pretty painless experience. They both had fun, and CD enjoyed the extra attention. P never sleeps in her bed, but Friday, she attempted to sleep there. About 1:30am, she called me and told me she was 'all done sleeping' in her bed. They both woke at 7 Saturday morning, with a list of requests for breakfast.
The rest of the weekend was uneventful...I slept. And slept. And slept. And watched TV. And slept. Then P came home from D's house Sunday afternoon, and everything was back to normal.
I was informed on Friday that P needs 3 immunizations. The Federal Immunization Folks say she is to get them between 4 and 6 years old, but the fine folks at the clinic on the Busiest Air Base in the World said that since she's in daycare, she needs to get them ASAP. Since I know I'll cry more than P, and I never ask D for anything, maybe I'll ask him to take her...Maybe I'll work up the nerve to make the appointment this week.
Posted by Margaret
8:25 PM
P's friend is spending the night tonight. J is 6 months older than P and P loves her~~until she attempts to play with Crazy Dog, that is. Other than that, they get along great. I tried to convince P to have pizza for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook. She wasn't having it! For tonight, the Eating Machine (when will it stop?) ordered fish sticks, mac n' cheese, broccoli, and banana-apple sauce. J may not be too happy with the selection, but she can blame her friend. Hopefully, they'll be nice to me and hang out in P's room and watch DVDs, play with the computer and harass CD until bed time.
At the place that pays me, the documentation for my promotion has been submitted, but I know it won't be done by May. If it's not completed by the second week of May, I'll start sending 'Miss You' cards to my personnel file in the office responsible.
If I can't peel myself off the couch to post this weekend, everyone have a safe weekend.
Oh...I've decided, our next trip in 3 weeks will be to Keukenhof in Holland to see the Tulips.
Posted by Margaret
4:00 PM
This is the conversation P and I had on Tuesday after I picked her up from daycare: Attention, promotion people, get started on the paperwork. May will be here before you know it. Oh, while on the subject of more fundage, don't forget the paperwork for my bonus~I'll need it so I can buy my own gum because I can't go 2 days without 'grouching' at CD.
P: Mommy, did you bring me something?
Me: Yes, these 2 pair of shoes.
P: I wanted a movie or book.
Me: You never buy me anything, and you have lots of money.
P: I don't buy you anything because you grouch at Crazy Dog.
Me: I don't grouch at you, so you should buy me something.
P: Nope. If you grouch at Crazy Dog, you are telling me not to buy you anything. If you don't grouch at him for 2 days, maybe I'll buy you some gum. *she was VERY serious*
Yep, she said it!!! She said maybe she'd buy me some gum. Some. Gum. Not a movie, but some gum.
She has pledged her allegiance to CD!! She chose him over me. *sniff* This is EXACTLY why she will be an only child. How dare I have 2 people that I feed on a regular basis plottin' on me! I would NEVER leave them alone. One would be with me at ALL times.
In other news...
At the place that pays me so I can take the traitor to Paris, buy her shoes and DVDs, I got my annual rating today. All I'll say is:
Posted by Margaret
8:30 PM
Before I begin...can someone tell me how long a growth spurt lasts? Over the last 2 months, P has turned into an eating machine, eating like she's got the inside scoop that there is going to be a famine in the land. She's gone from a size 2 to a 4 during this time.Last year's pants are going to be this year's capris! Where do you see yourself living in 5 years? Is there any place you'd like to go that you haven't gone yet? Mama's Junkyard wanted to know: If you could recommend three top holiday destinations what would they be? *side note: for you folks that don't use the metric system, holiday is a vacation* Is there anything that would make you leave the Military without a second thought? If so what is it?
Mary asked:
Where do you think you'd be if you hadn't have joined the Army?
What were you going to the name the Princess if she was a boy?
Schatzi wanted to know:
If you came back to the states tomorrow, where would you like to live?
What is your first childhood memory?
What is the one thing that you say to K that your parents used to say to you? Something that you SWORE you would never say?
That was anymore?
Posted by Margaret
10:30 PM
We're back from Paris. As usual, it was wonderful!! Even with the cold weather. P had a great time. She even walked up the 250+ steps to get to the top of the Arc of Triumph to take pictures (when we travel, I buy her a disposable camera so she can take her own pictures).
We traveled the city by train, and didn't get lost once. Paris is competing with New York City and a few others for the 2012 Olympics, and the way the city looks, you would think the decision was already made, and Paris would host the games. New've got your work cut out for you!!
Saturday, we went to the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triumph, the Champs Elyeese (LOTS of shopping...nothing for me, everything for P!), lunch at Planet Hollywood, to the Galeries Lafayette (mall), and to a sushi restaurant for dinner.
Sunday, we went to Louvre (home of the Mona Lisa and 5 floors of other artwork), saw the Obelisque, fed the ducks and pigeons (why is there always one missing a foot?) and went to lunch near the National Opera. Then back to the train for the ride home (and to work on my project), while P watched The Sponge Bob Movie (and laughed rather loudly):
I don't think Crazy Dog had as much fun as we did. Before I could leave after dropping him off on Friday, another dog (his room mate) was taking advantage of him. The RA, Kevin, said the dog was just showing his dominance. I understand, but that doesn't mean CD had to take it as casually as he did. When I picked him up today, Kevin said he had to separate them Saturday morning, because the other dog kept 'dominating' CD. Needless to say, he was happy checkout day was today.
Posted by Margaret
4:00 PM
***A teeny tiny piece of advice...when getting gas at the gas station off base, DO NOT accidently get the gas that's €1.69/liter ($6.40/gallon) when you meant to get the gas that's €1.20/liter ($4.45/gallon)! If the Army taught me nothing else, it was 'Pay attention to detail' (Well, that and 'If it ain't rainin', it ain't trainin', and 'If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin') Currently, it's only 20 degrees here, and this weekend in Paris it's to get to a balmy 34 degrees!! My brother says it's freezing there. He's from Dallas, and doesn't know any better. This morning on my way to work, the thermostat in the car said 3 degrees. So, the I must make a I take P's snow gear or not? As much as we've traveled, you would think I was better at packing than I am. I always over pack for P. I'm always afraid she'll need a change of clothes while we are out, so I pack extras. With the extra outfits, she needs matching shoes. With matching shoes, she'll need a matching coat. With the coat comes the hat and gloves that match...yadda, yadda, yadda. The problem with the snow gear is that with the pants that match the coat, she MUST wear the boots, but I don't want to carry the boots. Maybe I'll try to find her some normal boots that she could wear with the snow pants. Whatever I find has got to match, or I'll buy coat #8 for her today, too. For me, I take the bare essentials, and my gadgets (laptop and camera). I save room in MY bag for all the stuff I buy. That's it, dvd player, movies and computer games. Nothing else for her. Since it is technically an international ride, I wonder if the alcohol is free (it's free on international flights)??? Hmmm... I'll sneak and take CD to the hotel tomorrow because P cries when we leave him there. It's good that he goes, so he can see how dogs are to behave. He needs a little guidance. Hopefully he doesn't have any altercations with the big dogs. **Note to self...make sure CD's insurance policy is up to date.** Hopefully I'll find some hot spots and I'll be able to post something while taking part in the national sport of France~people watching. If not...feel free to conjure up any questions you would like me to answer. There's no limit. I'll answer them upon my return. ASK AWAY!!
About the gas...just pay attention to detail! Don't worry, there was no altercation this time.
This time tomorrow, P and I will be on the train going to Paris. Since one of the stops is Disneyland Paris, maybe we'll get off at the wrong stop. My brother will be waiting for us at the stop in Paris. We should make him wait.
Paris is only 280 miles away, so why not drive?
Me: What do you want to take with us on the train?
P: Just 2 things.
Me: What?
P: My dvd player and movies.
Me: Do you want to bring anything to play with?
P: Yes, my 'puter games since you are bringing your 'puter.
Posted by Margaret
7:15 PM
Thank you Laurie for the layout!!!! I love it!
Thank you Mary for plottin' on me!!!!
Also, thank you Mary for P's birthday presents. The post office lady did a good job packing everything.
Thanks to you, I am now forced to wash the same Bratz plate, spoon, fork, cup and bowl between meals, so they all can be ready for the next (I'm picking my battles). The Bratz Easter Egg kit...don't get me started. Seriously, thanks, P really likes everything.
Crazy Dog can not go to Paris with us this weekend because he doesn't have a passport...yes, pets that travel between countries NEED passports now. The passport basically certifies that he is healthy, since dogs can go anywhere you and I go (to include restaurants). I guess it's not enough that I paid more for CD than I did my first car, he goes to the coolest pet hotel when we DO travel, and is treated better than some kids I know. So, instead of going to Paris, he'll stay at the hotel here for 4 days. Now, if I could only claim him on my taxes...
Last week, I noticed the hoop d'ville, Bruce, was a little loud. After receiving enough angry looks from people while driving, and P in the back seat telling me 'It's too loud for my ears!', I took a look at the muffler...what did I find...a GIANT hole. I took it to the place that takes my money (BMW does stand for Break My Wallet) and was informed that yes, indeed, I did need a new muffler. I tell the guy to fix whatever it is, so the back seat driver will stop yelling at me. The muffler was fixed yesterday, but while the muffler man was doing his thing, he noticed something else...that I needed a new tire. Yep, only one. It's got something to do with a flat tire a few months back and only replacing the flat one. So, I'm off to pay a crazy amount of money for a tire.
At least P noticed the muffler was fixed. Yesterday I picked her up from daycare, and she said 'Mommy, my car sounds good'. YEP, she said HER car!
One more week of class and the term is over!!! Then 2 weeks off, and back to class that I need less than 10 classes, I am officially counting down.
Posted by Margaret
9:30 AM