Last week, my laptop, Vincent, died a temporary death. It wouldn't boot, but only cycle through the start up process, never making it to the OS (techspeak). I mentioned the problem to one of the Super Hero Computer Dudes at the new place that pays me, and he told me that he would take a look at it before I bought a new one, which I had planned to do this weekend.
In about 15 minutes, SHCD had 'fixed' the disk error problemo, and I am at peace once again.
Last week, P lost another tooth. This makes the 5th tooth that she's lost in less than a year (I should also mention that she's got another tooth loose now, too).
I present to you, P, who is missing 2.5 teeth. The one on the bottom right is half in already (it came out about 3 weeks ago):
I must add that these pictures were taken at 0600 (that's 6am for your civilians) on a school morning. Yes, she's this happy EVERY morning.
Operation Casa Nueva update:
The house coming along fine, and they FINALLY put the 'Sold' sign on the 'For Sale' sign in the yard.
Only 5 more weeks of hotel living, and it will all be over.
The challenge of the week is:What color or colors should I use in the kitchen?
I have NO ideas. Any suggestions?
P and I are still having a slight disagreement about her room, and I'm thisclose to just giving in to what she wants.
The new place that pays me is good. If you thought I was vague about my cotton pickin' skillz while in Germany, it will be FAR worse here, since I had to sign a Shhhh, Can't Talk About Pickin' Cotton Document. If someone asks,I pick cotton, lots of it.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.