About a week ago, while the Eating Machine and I were on a mission in the commissary, she advised me that she NEEDED a carrot. Not a bag of carrots, not a bunch of carrots, but 'one carrot, with the grass still on it'. Since I'm still picking my battles, I bought her ONE carrot, complete with 'grass' on it. It cost me all of 8 cent (dippin' into the retirement fund once again).
Once we got home, she cleaned it with the vegetable brush and ate that one, tired carrot (and wasn't too keen on sharing).
This brings me to Wednesday. P decided she needed ONE flower. Not a bouquet, not a plant, but ONE flower.
I found this at one of the stores on base:
It's a can with one tulip bulb in it. It will grow the ONE flower, as requested.
This is the tulip bulb inside the can:
If P doesn't drown it with her little watering can, in a week or so, hopefully a PINK tulip will bloom. If the tulip is any color but pink, there might be cause for an altercation or two.
**SIDENOTE: I did buy 2. If hers isn't pink, it WILL get switched. If the other isn't pink either...OOPS***