Thank you Laurie for the layout!!!! I love it!
Thank you Mary for plottin' on me!!!!
Also, thank you Mary for P's birthday presents. The post office lady did a good job packing everything.
Thanks to you, I am now forced to wash the same Bratz plate, spoon, fork, cup and bowl between meals, so they all can be ready for the next (I'm picking my battles). The Bratz Easter Egg kit...don't get me started. Seriously, thanks, P really likes everything.
Crazy Dog can not go to Paris with us this weekend because he doesn't have a passport...yes, pets that travel between countries NEED passports now. The passport basically certifies that he is healthy, since dogs can go anywhere you and I go (to include restaurants). I guess it's not enough that I paid more for CD than I did my first car, he goes to the coolest pet hotel when we DO travel, and is treated better than some kids I know. So, instead of going to Paris, he'll stay at the hotel here for 4 days. Now, if I could only claim him on my taxes...
Last week, I noticed the hoop d'ville, Bruce, was a little loud. After receiving enough angry looks from people while driving, and P in the back seat telling me 'It's too loud for my ears!', I took a look at the muffler...what did I find...a GIANT hole. I took it to the place that takes my money (BMW does stand for Break My Wallet) and was informed that yes, indeed, I did need a new muffler. I tell the guy to fix whatever it is, so the back seat driver will stop yelling at me. The muffler was fixed yesterday, but while the muffler man was doing his thing, he noticed something else...that I needed a new tire. Yep, only one. It's got something to do with a flat tire a few months back and only replacing the flat one. So, I'm off to pay a crazy amount of money for a tire.
At least P noticed the muffler was fixed. Yesterday I picked her up from daycare, and she said 'Mommy, my car sounds good'. YEP, she said HER car!
One more week of class and the term is over!!! Then 2 weeks off, and back to class that I need less than 10 classes, I am officially counting down.