About 2 weeks ago, P informed me that of ALL the food on her shelf in the pantry (enough to feed a summer camp), she was still missing something:
P: Mommy, I NEED something
Me: What do you NEED?
P: I need some rainbow bread with pink stuff on it.
Me: What is that????
It took me 12 days to figure out what she NEEDED. What did she NEED? I'll tell you what she was talking about after the weekend wrap up.
P's birthday party was great. I had it at an indoor play place on base called the Kids' Zone, and about 20 kids showed up. I would have had her party at my house, but I have a rule: no more than 3 people under 4ft tall in my house at any given time (Crazy Dog counts as .5)
Even though I told P's invitees not to bring her any presents, they graciously ignored my pleas. Before the birthday party, P had enough toys to stock a W.I.C waiting room, and now she can stock two waiting rooms.
P finished opening her presents and played her computer games, rode around the house on the new scooter, and watched new DVDs. I did laundry.
P's friend J came over to hangout, and give her mom some free time, since her dad is away, on Uncle LeRoy's Subsidized Vacation, to the Land of the Sand. Even though it was a holiday, I still had class, so P went to J's house to give her mom a dose of what I got in the afternoon.
All in all, a GREAT weekend
**What did P NEED?**
A sliced bagel, cut in half again (the rainbow), with strawberry cream cheese (the pink stuff) schmeered on it.
So, off to the commissary we went.
Genius, pure genius...hey, she DID crawl early (at 4 1/2 mos).