Mary, I used some horsey sauce on a roast beef sandwich from Subway. It was ok, but not great.
It's one thing to be nice and not hurt their feelings, but it's a whole different thing when you KNOW they can't sing, and you continue to encourage that nonsense.
Here in Germany, we get American Idol the day after it's broadcasted in the US. Last night's show covered the auditions in St. Louis.
Last night, I watched for one reason and one reason only:
To make sure the 'aspiring' singers from Crazy Crew I didn't actually believed it when they were told by family members that they can sing. Now that I think about it, none of them can really sing.
Judging from those who auditioned, but were laughed at by the judges, I feel this MUST be said:
Stop telling your friends/family that they can sing, when it's clear that they can't carry a tune in a bucket! It is not funny, and you should be flogged!
I am more than happy to report that no one from Crazy Crew I showed up and showed out, further embarrassing the family.
On a good note, there was one person I recognized....Osborne Smith II (son of Baseball Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith of the Cardinals). Ozzie and my dad have been friends for years and I've known him since he was just a kid.