As you may know, Monday was my birthday. A few weeks ago Mary and I were talking about little things I miss about the States, and I mentioned Arby's Horsey. Last week, Mary said she sent me a box for my birthday. Today, I got the package~yes, it's late but you have to deduct a few days because the dogs at customs have to sniff the packages and pretent there are hydrants inside, so technically it arrived on time~and guess what was inside????? LOTS OF ARBY'S HORSEY SAUCE and Burt's Bees stuff:
Mary thank you, thank you, thank you for the package! Now if someone would send me an Arby's Roast Beef sandwich... Nevermind, I'll use some on a schnitzel.
Today was the first day of class for this term. I'm taking an advanced database class. It sounds to me like the instructor speaks Klingon. I am also taking a computer class about 45 minutes away, in Grayse's neck of the woods, (Heidelberg) on the weekends. It's going to be a LONG 8 weeks.
Thursday, 20 January is Kajuana's birthday!