My brother, H, was here in Germany this past weekend. He lives in Dallas, and works as an IT consultant. He is working between Paris and England for about 3 weeks.
I have been here in Germany a total of 8 years, and he is only the second family member that has come to visit. Although he was here for only 2 days he said he really enjoyed his stay.
We really didn't do much, but I showed him all the stuff he sees on CNN during the war coverage about the injured soldiers (the flight line where they arrive in Germany, the hospital that takes care of them, etc.). Overall, he was really impressed, and mentioned more than once that he understands why I live here.
Instead of calling him by his name, P kept calling him 'Mommy's brudder'.
During the drive to the train station downtown, somehow we got on the subject of his daughter (E is 15), child support (which I don't think he pays) and his daughter's mother. He mentioned that he doesn't like to pay E's mother because he thinks E's mother 'doesn't use the money for E'. He thinks E's mother should justify to him every dime she spends of the child support. I tried in vain to explain to him that no matter what the mother does with the money, he should still send the money for his daughter~he thinks a pair of shoes for Christmas/birthday is all he has to do, when she eats EVERYday, and is still growing.
It really baffles me that he chooses not to be financially responsible for his daughter because he doesn't like what the mother does with the money. I also blame E's mother for letting him have a choice in the matter, because she doesn't have a choice to clothe and feed their daughter. If she doesn't do it, it won't get done.
I'll admit that although P's dad and I don't see eye to eye on everything, I'm glad he does what he is supposed to do, and I don't have to ask him to do anything for P~the MOST I ask him to do is to feed her dinner and bathe her before she comes home in the evening during the week.
H said he would come back to visit, maybe this summer. We'll see...
Between yesterday and today, P got her computer (I wish my parent's bought me my own computer for my 4th birthday!). It's pretty nice, and she LOVES it:
I still need to find her a computer chair (she's sitting on a stool on top of a chair). I would like to find a mini chair, with arms. I think that means it's time to go to IKEA!!!!!!