***A teeny tiny piece of advice...when getting gas at the gas station off base, DO NOT accidently get the gas that's €1.69/liter ($6.40/gallon) when you meant to get the gas that's €1.20/liter ($4.45/gallon)! If the Army taught me nothing else, it was 'Pay attention to detail' (Well, that and 'If it ain't rainin', it ain't trainin', and 'If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin') Currently, it's only 20 degrees here, and this weekend in Paris it's to get to a balmy 34 degrees!! My brother says it's freezing there. He's from Dallas, and doesn't know any better. This morning on my way to work, the thermostat in the car said 3 degrees. So, the I must make a decision...do I take P's snow gear or not? As much as we've traveled, you would think I was better at packing than I am. I always over pack for P. I'm always afraid she'll need a change of clothes while we are out, so I pack extras. With the extra outfits, she needs matching shoes. With matching shoes, she'll need a matching coat. With the coat comes the hat and gloves that match...yadda, yadda, yadda. The problem with the snow gear is that with the pants that match the coat, she MUST wear the boots, but I don't want to carry the boots. Maybe I'll try to find her some normal boots that she could wear with the snow pants. Whatever I find has got to match, or I'll buy coat #8 for her today, too. For me, I take the bare essentials, and my gadgets (laptop and camera). I save room in MY bag for all the stuff I buy. That's it, dvd player, movies and computer games. Nothing else for her. Since it is technically an international ride, I wonder if the alcohol is free (it's free on international flights)??? Hmmm... I'll sneak and take CD to the hotel tomorrow because P cries when we leave him there. It's good that he goes, so he can see how dogs are to behave. He needs a little guidance. Hopefully he doesn't have any altercations with the big dogs. **Note to self...make sure CD's insurance policy is up to date.** Hopefully I'll find some hot spots and I'll be able to post something while taking part in the national sport of France~people watching. If not...feel free to conjure up any questions you would like me to answer. There's no limit. I'll answer them upon my return. ASK AWAY!!
About the gas...just pay attention to detail! Don't worry, there was no altercation this time.
This time tomorrow, P and I will be on the train going to Paris. Since one of the stops is Disneyland Paris, maybe we'll get off at the wrong stop. My brother will be waiting for us at the stop in Paris. We should make him wait.
Paris is only 280 miles away, so why not drive?
Me: What do you want to take with us on the train?
P: Just 2 things.
Me: What?
P: My dvd player and movies.
Me: Do you want to bring anything to play with?
P: Yes, my 'puter games since you are bringing your 'puter.