The verdict is in...our summer itenerary is shaping up.
My original plan was to make plans for the 2 weeks that I am off between school terms. But, because I am such a procrastinator, impulse buyer, and I don't have to 'check' with anyone, our summer trips were all arranged in the last 3 days.
These are the plans:
April~Keukenhof, Holland to see the tulips and buy wooden shoes (hand made).
May~Disneyland Paris for 4 LONG days...ever spend 4 days at Disneyland?? There is only so much of the Mouse I can stomach. Shhhh...don't tell P, but the plan for one of those days is to take the train into Paris, and SHOP!!!!! Maybe we'll find the 'Animal Museum' she saw on a brochure.
June~Travel Agent is finalizing our plans to the Canary Islands.
July~Crete, Greece for a week. This trip was TOTALLY an impromptu buy. I had not planned to inquire AND finalize in all of 20 minutes. The most important part is that it's all inclusive and the Eating Machine can eat as much as she'd like.
We'll toss in weekend trips to London (to shop and see The Lion King again) maybe we can meet Kui for lunch, hmmm..., Geneva, Switzerland (to shop) and Rome and Florence, Italy (Michaelangelo's Statue of David...WOW!).
Those are the plans...if you want a souvenir or a postcard, email me and let me know.