Update on the flower...'It's not growing fast enough!'~P.
Saturday, we didn't do much, although we did have plans. It wasn't very warm out, so we just stayed home and I did laundry. P did 'homework' on her 'puter.
Sunday, we went to the movies and saw Racing Stripes. It was a very cute movie, and P really enjoyed it. While we waited in line at the VERY expensive German theater, she spotted the poster for the movie Robots, so, I promised we will see it on Friday, when I take the day off (the powers-that-be don't know it yet), since her friend J will be with us from Thursday to Saturday evening.
After the movie, we went to the commissary to get fresh spinach for dinner:
Me: P, do you want spinach for dinner.
P: No, please, it's just grass.
Me: It's not grass, it's a vegetable.
P: Vegetables taste yummy.
Me: Spinach is yummy for me.
P: It's yummy for you, yucky grass for me.
I was also informed that we didn't have enough eggs to 'color', so we had to get more. I tried to talk her out of it, but thanks to Mary (the next trip we go on, I'm buying the Dictator a 1000 piece model of a working windmill), my dining room table might be a little 'discolored' Tuesday night.
While dinner was in the oven, we went for a walk along the bike/walking trail in our village to visit the farm animals nearby. P took her doll stroller and baby, because the baby 'needed some fresh air'. CD did very good about walking to the little ice cream hut and checked out the animals (he challenged a goat, but was scared of the chickens). He was so tired that he hitched a ride back to the house:
The Eating Machine is still eating, and for the past few days, has had the urge to 'get nekkid' and walk around the house in nothing but undies.
FOOTNOTE: Yes, I bought the spinach, and P ate some.