It seems that I have miscalculated my pending promotion. Uncle LeRoy is VERY strict about pay grades, time in grade, etc. To get promoted from one grade to the next, the rule of thumb is you have to serve time (52 weeks) in the next lower grade, plus wait 1 pay period. This all translates to not being eligible for promotion until 54 weeks after the last promotion.
For some reason, I thought I got promoted last May, when I actually got promoted last March. Since I've received the personnel action documention, the next payday brings the fundage!!!
In true Uncle LeRoy Cotton Picker Promotion fashion...I'd like to invite everyone out Friday night...on me (but not too late, because I have class in Heidelberg bright and early Saturday morning).
In other news, the trip to Disneyland Paris has been postponed 2 weeks, due to half of the World's Busiest Air Base wanting to take advantage of the Memorial Day weekend. SHHHHH...don't tell P, but on the Friday that we are at the park, she is to have breakfast with a gang of Disney characters. There is nothing she's more scared of than seeing a Disney character up close and personal~she says their heads are too big.
Just one more thing...
This morning, I had a slight altercation with the car door while unloading the Sleeping Princess (a.k.a. Eating Machine) at daycare. This is the bruise:

Maybe BMW stands for Bruise My Whitespot.