While making dinner this afternoon, I tried to find 'busy' work for P so she won't be tempted to assist in the cooking of the grubbage.
I asked her to write the alphabet for me, since she's an old pro at it (I thought).
Basically, this is what she wrote:
A B C D E F G H I K K p Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Me: Why are there 2 Ks?
P: That's what the song says.
Me: Where are the J, L, M, N, and O?
P: They are not in the song anymore.
Me: Where did they go? You write them in some words, they HAVE to be in the song.
P: Not any more!
Me: Why is the P little (because she basically writes in capital letters)?
P: Because he's a baby.
Me: Who said he's a baby?
P: The song said so!
Me: Can you sing the song for me?
P: (to the melody of the song) A B C D E F G H I K K and a little p Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Me: Ok (what was I supposed to say??)
I know I should have corrected her, but she sang it with SUCH confidence!! Plus, she crawled, walked, started talking and was potty trained early (whole 'nother post!!).