This morning, while going to the car, I showed P the moon still in the sky (at 6:15am it still looks like midnight outside).
Me: Look, there is the moon.
P: Hey, I can make moon.
Me: Sure you can, draw me one at school today.
P: NO, I can make it. Ask me how to do it.
Me: Ok, how do you make it?
P: M-O-O-N
Me: Good job. Who told you that?
P: I don't know. I can make cat, too. C-A-T.
She gets a magazine and paper, and just writes words. 2 weeks ago she learned to spell my name. She can also spell about 8 other words (Crazy Dog's real name, car, bus, stop, etc.), and she is starting to read, too. Did I tell you that P won't be 4 until February?? Her school approached me again about having her 'tested'. If there are no programs for a 'gifted' 3 year old, what is the point?
What am I to do? Besides buy her LOTS of books and computer games??