Although I have sworn off visiting Paris again until fall 2005 (Disneyland Paris does not count), I think I will take it back. I saw on the news that the highest skating rink (188 feet above the Champ de Mars garden) in Paris has opened on the 1st level of the Eiffel Tower (P calls it the Apple Tower). With paid admisson to the tower, skating and skate rental are free. It's estimated that the rink can hold 80 skaters.
From the rink, in the distance, you can see the gold dome of the Invilades, which is the burial place of Napolean.
Also on the 1st level is the Altitude 95 restaurant, which turns into a tea room each afternoon.
If you are interested, the cost of admission to the first level is $5.30 for adults and $3.00 for children.
Hmmm...I'm thinking we will go during MLK weekend. Care to join us??