Once P turned 5, I was able to sign her up to play T-ball on the World's Busiest Air Base. Because her birthday was during registration, once I did register her, all the teams were full, and she is now #9 on the waiting list. Last week, I on the website for the Red Dot Boutique, I saw some T-ball gear on sale, and asked my friend K to let me know the prices of a few things. Today, we got a package inthe mail. She sent P the following (of course everything is pink):
Here is a picture of all her gear (I love the bat on the left. On it, it says 'GIRLS RULE'): It all fits in the bag rather nicely:
Here is P in her pajamas:
Now, if she only had a team to play on. The season opens 3 April, and 9 people don't pay within 5 days, she'll get a slot on a team.
I REALLY hopes she does make it on a team, because I'll be John Brown (don't ask) if I chase balls around the yard the entire summer.
Saturday morning, P asked if she could use some of my glitter tape. Since I'm not the one to stifle P's artistic side, I told her that she could use it. This is what she created:
Needless to say, there is no more tape.