I just want to take a moment to kick a shout out to Uncle LeRoy for the 'secret' incentive award bonus that I recieved with my pay. When I first saw the amount of the incentive award bonus, I thought WOW, I can get the expensive, overpriced seat covers for the new no named car. With the remaining funds, I may even get this side rail for the new no name car (only in black):
Why is this needed, you ask? Currently, P has to climb into the new no name car on her hands and knees because the car sits so high. It's the least I can do to avoid taking P to the place that I pay so she can play all day (say that 10 times fast) with dirty pants first thing in the morning. And to protect my reputation.
About 5 minutes ago, P called Crazy Dog into Chaos Cave (her room). After being in CC for about 5 minutes, I heard a him yelp, and he came running into the dining room. When I looked to see what was wrong with him, this is what I saw:
P said she put the bib (belonging to one of her dolls) on him because she was going to share her popcorn with him. Poor CD!!