Tomorrow I am taking P to get her passport renewed. Today, I was informed that it will cost $82. For just 5 years. To renew mine costs $67, and it is valid for 10 years.
I really don't understand why her passport costs so much more than an adult's and non of the 143134 automated phone systems at Uncle LeRoy's office was able to help me find the answer.
As a form of protest, maybe I should pay for her passport with 41 $2 cashier checks.
There is a slim chance that I won't be moving back across the pond anytime soon. That is all I can say regarding this latest development. If you know P's middle names, email them to me, and I will gladly bore you with the details (if you are a glutton for punishment).
In the past week, I've come to realize that there are two things a person takes for granted:
I have always said that the stapler is one of the GREATEST inventions in the world. Don't think so? Lock yours away for a week, and you will change your mind by day #3. My stapler at the place that pays me broke (the springy thing has sprung), and I was without one for 2 days, and almost went crazy, because it seemed that every 10 minutes I needed to staple something.
Two weeks ago, I dropped my iron, and every time I've used it since, it leaks water. I'm not talking about drip-drip, I'm talking about POURING out of the end where the cord goes into it. Ever try to iron with a leaky iron? Basically it turns into you trying to dry the wet garment with the hot iron before you burn it up (both the garment and the iron).
Earlier in the week, I borrowed a stapler from a fellow cotton picker, and bought a new iron. All is right with my world once again.