Monday morning, I noticed Crazy Dog licking his right front leg. I took a closer look at it and noticed that he had a sore right at his ankle joint. After P saw it, she informed me that he should go to the Dog Doctor. Today. Since the Vet office is right next door to the place that pays me, I took him to work with me. They weren't able to see him because Uncle LeRoy let his crew have the morning off, due to the fact that the Super Bowl didn't end until Monday morning. So, CD got a free day to roam around my office.
This morning, we tried it again...CD went to work with me, and the clinic was able to see him . Once the Doc looked at it, she told me it could be one of 3 things...
She attempted to get a sample from the spot using a needle and syringe. It took 3 adults to hold CD still (he's only 5 lbs).After gathering the sample, she gave me some gauze and a wrap for his leg, and told me she would call later in the day with the results.
While driving to pick up P this after noon, she called and told me that CD's spot is #3. It probably started out as a small sore, and he licked it until it was raw and calloused. And keeps licking it. Of the 3 possiblilities, this is the hardest to treat, because there is no cure for it. Basically, she said he gets depressed because he is left alone during the day, so he licks his wound. She also said that before she prescribes antidepressants for him, we'll keep it bandaged so it can heal and hopefully he won't lick it once it is healed.
When I picked P up, and she saw the bandage on his leg, she started crying.
Me: Why are you crying?
P: Because Crazy Dog has a hurt leg. (She DOES call him Crazy Dog)
Me: He'll be fine. The doctor said he's bored at home by himself, so he licks on his sore.
P: I know what will stop him from hurting his leg.
Me: What?
P: You can buy us a girl kitty so he can play with her.
Me: Who is 'us'?
P: Me and Crazy Dog!
Here is a picture of P and Crazy Dog with his green bandaged leg:
I know they are plotting against me. P has been wanting a girl kitty for over a year. I will hold strong, We are not getting a girl kitty. Or a turtle. Or a baby sister for P.