Monday, I started Uncle LeRoy's class about the process of how his budget is Planned, Programmed, Budgeted and Executed, better known as fought over, begged for, and spent (sometines overspent). I'll be honest and say that although this class looks REALLY good on my resume (below all the other fluff), I wasn't exactly thrilled about having to attend. I decided to take the class here in Germany while I have someone to get to P at the World's Busiest Air Base if needed. The other option? Wait until I get a new job picking cotton in the US, (I have NO idea where we'll go), where I will have to find someone to take care of P while I take the class in S. Carolina for a couple of weeks. I'll take door #1. Thankyouverymuch.
Monday, the drive was pretty painless, only 2 hour 20 minutes on the road all day. I say painless, because I had this in the car:
I must say, the iTrip is the best investment I've made in the gadget category (Nurse Ratchet said we have TOOOO many gadgets). I was SERIOUSLY thinking about installing a cd changer in the New No Name Car, but why spent $400+ on a 6 disk changer when I bought both the iTrip and charger for less than $60 from The Red Dot Boutique (TimeTard). I can play any of the 245 songs on the myPod (it officially belongs to P) while driving.
This morning, somewhere between Kanye's 'Touch the Sky' and Jamie Foxx's 'Extravanganza', I forgot to stay in the right lane on one of the autobahns and was headed in the wrong direction. If you've ever driven on the autobahn, you know that if you miss an exit, there is NO such thing as just getting off at the next exit and turning around. The exits are few and FAR between. Today's 'next' exit was 5.5 miles away, which means today's Exit Escapade took me 11 miles out of the way, which means instead of being 15 minutes early for class, I was 20 minutes late.
Don't tell anyone I said this, and I'll deny it if be an Uncle LeRoy initiated class, this is a very interesting class. It's really interesting to learn how the annual budget comes about and flows on down. From the elected officials, on down the line to me, a cotton picker. They fight for it, and I ensure that the funds are legally executed.
It almost makes me not want to change career fields. Almost.