This morning, P needed a little extra encourgement to put her coat on so we could leave the house:
Me: Please put your coat, scarf, and hat on so we can leave.
about 15 seconds later:
Me: Put your coat on so we can leave!
about a minute later:
Me: Put your coat on, now!!
P: Ok, I was just checking on Crazy Dog.
About 10 minutes later, while driving in the car on the way to daycare:
P: Mommy, I've been thinkin' that I don't like it when you scream at me.
Me: I'm sorry, but when I tell you to do something and you don't do it, I talk louder to make sure you can hear me, just in case something is wrong with your ears and you can't hear me.
P: Just so you know, there is NOTHING wrong with my ears.
After she said that, I said to myself:Diane (I call myself Diane), I think your girl just admitted that she ignores you on a regular basis.
After a couple minutes of silence, she asked me if I can buy her a snowboard for her birthday. Of course, I acted like I didn't hear her.
When I picked her up this afternoon, she handed me a piece of paper with her birthday list on it. Of course, the first thing listed was a pink and blue snowboard.
Me:0; P:1000.
I think I'm losing. What do you think?