Thanks to everyone for P's birthday wishes! I read her all of the messages. She didn't have a birthday party, basically because she didn't want one, but she did want to go to IKEA. So, we spent Saturday afternoon at our favorite store. Saturday P got to decide what we at at every meal. Our menu for the day was as follows:
If she has a few more birthdays celebrated this way, I MAY be able to retire before 80.
Sunday afternoon, she spent a few hours with the Donor and his Bedroom Lawyer. She came home with at GameBoy (#2) and a soccer ball...a REAL regulation soccor ball.
I would like to inform the concerned citizens that P DID NOT receive a turtle, a girl kitty, and nor is there a baby sister in the works for her birthday.
Monday, I did laundry while P and Crazy Dog did absolutely NOTHING. Now that I think about it, they did do somehting. They did this:The picture was taken about 1600 (4pm for you civilians) and she still had on pajamas.
Monday evening in an effort to avoid going to bed, P informed me that she had a loose tooth. After about 3o minutes of complaining, I asked her to come to me so I could see what she was talking about. While checking out her meat hooks, I realized that she had not 1, but 2 loose teeth!! Each tooth on either side of the two that already came out (bottom front) are loose. If they come out, she'll have bottom bunny teeth. Or llama teeth (ever see a llama's teeth?).
Thanks again for P's birthday wishes!!