I feel like I've abandoned my little place here! I will sum up the last 4 days...
Friday night, we left for the Geilenkirchen, home to a portion of the World's Biggest Gang. We made the 3 hour trip in 2.5 hours, mainly because I drove like a bat out of H-E-Double Hockey Sticks most of the way. We arrived just in time for the almost weekly dinner gathering of the gang members. After dinner, one of the members found out that bright and early Saturday morning, I would be driving 1.5 hours to the soon-to-be World's Second Busiest Air Base for class, and offered 'easier, quicker directions'. My interest was piqued when she said 'easier' (because the 'Spaghetti Junction' in Atlanta has NOTHING on the 'Suicide Merge' between Germany and Belgium), and she drew me a map of the new and improved drive. Saturday morning, I rose BRIGHT and early (said bye to P~sniff-sniff), with plenty of time to get to class on time, but it just didn't happen that way! The directions that were given to me was missing a turn, or three. My 1.5 hour trip turned into a 3 hour ride. I even did something that I've NEVER done... I arrived late for class!
Class was....imagine washing your car, then sitting in a chair watching it dry when the humidity is 60% and it's 70 degrees out. That which I have described is far more interesting than my class was...both days. We were in a computer lab, and the instructor, who happens to be about 96.89765 years old started the slide presentation and read. every. word. on.every slide. During class, so I wouldn't fall asleep, I surfed, read a few blogs (check your stats, I was there for a long time)~I wasn't able to comment (the computers were supposed to be off). After class, I went to the hotel on base for the night, where P called me and asked if she could bring a baby deer home. First the girl kitty, now a baby deer~this is NOT the humane society!
Sunday, I went to class and was bored all over again, for the next 9 hours. After class, my friend made the 1.5 hour drive in 1.5 hours and returned P to me. After dinner, we were on the road again, headed home. Once we reached home, P informed me that once again, she wasn't going to 'make it' if she didn't have blueberry pancakes for dinner. After the pancake dinner, it was bed time for all in this casa.
Monday...nothing exciting at the place that pays me. I just picked cotton, as I always do. I was to pick up the new Hoop d'Ville, but NO, the paperwork is held up at customs. I think I should apologize to the Customs Crew for talking trash about them and their dogs when I travel and when my mail is late. Maybe they are bloggers and have read about how I feel about them and they are holding my car hostage.
Tuesday...still no new car, but I did 'visit' it today to check something out. I had to see if it had a locking gas cap. NOPE! I ordered one, and I will pick it up tomorrow (the gas cap). I had class tonight. I will admit that this term is the EASIEST term I've had since I returned to school in 2003. I plan to CLEP a class this term, if only I would stop procrastinating, and just do it.
Louis is still Louis. The tub hasn't talked any more, an P has fallen in love with the Benji movies.
That's the update! Gotta pick cotton in the in the morning, so I'm off to bed.