***Public Service Announcement: If you notice an invasion of teenie, tiny bugs flying around in the kitchen, CHECK THE POTATOES THAT YOU FORGOT YOU BOUGHT, they might be a the condo where the teenie tiny bugs live.***
The Gigolo called me bright and early Saturday morning to inform me that the Boob forgot to have me sign a document on Friday. Not to worry, it still looks like Monday is the delivery date of the new Hoop d'Ville.
School for me starts this week. I am taking 2 classes, on in the evenings at the World's Busiest Airbase, and the other at the soon to be World's Second Busiest Airbase, which is about 1.5 hours away. The plan is to drive to my friend's house in Geilenkirchen Friday night with P, and get up Satruday morning and drive back 1.5 hours to class. I'll stay in the hotel on base Saturday night. On Sunday, the GK Crew, along with P, will meet me once class is over. Although I'll be in class trying to stay awake, P will be off on a cruise, and shopping with my friends. How dare she have fun while I'm being tortured! Hopefully P's regular babysitter will return and I will have to do this only 1 of the 4 weekends of class.
Eight weeks and the term will be over. I'm looking forward to it already.
Sunday afternoon, P changed Crazy Dog's name. She informed me that his name is no longer Chico (Chico vom Talhof), but Louis. Please don't ask why. I don't know. She even had a 'birthday party' for him (his birthday is 19 Oct.) complete with banners she made. She told me that if I REALLY loved Crazy Dog, I would call him Louis, too. She was serious!
It's now Monday evening, and she's still calling him Louis. Maybe she shouldn't be an only child. Just kidding!!