In one year, we'll be packing it up and moving back to the States. I don't know where we'll go, but if I wait and let Uncle LeRoy find me a new place to pick cotton, there is NO DOUBT that we'll end up in Political Land, or very close to it. When I check Uncle LeRoys job listings, Political Land has over 50 job openings for my cotton picking abilities. Honestly, I don't care where we move, as long as P can go to school.
I can always hunt for a new cotton field myself, but I just don't feel like dealing with the hassle of phone interviews and updating my resume. Plus, there is the little issue with experience vs. education. I have 4 years experience doing what I do now (from entry level to where I am now), but my degree is in a discipline where I have no experience. I would LOVE to find a plantation where I could use my degree, since Uncle LeRoy's brother, Uncle Victor, will have paid almost $20K for my education by the time I finish (5 classes to go!!!!!!).
Our plans for the Thanksgiving holiday are already set. We will be in the States for 2 weeks. We will visit my sister, Time Tard, in VA (she lives in Alexandria), and go to NC to visit my other sister (Nurse Ratchette) and hang out with The Few, The Proud. I already know that after 3 days I'll be ready to return to Germany, and TT will want to throw P out of her place, because P will be jet lagged, sleeping at 1400 (2pm for you civilians) and waking up at 2000 (10pm for you civilians), ready to start her day.
My round trip ticket was less than $400, P's ticket was less than $275, and taxes and fees for both tickets is $230. That's the most I've EVER paid for a ticket to the US. Hopefully this is the last time I fund a flight across the pond from my own pocket (I AM a broke single parent. Honest.). If it wasn't for the fact that we haven't been to the states in over a year, I'd spend the fundage on a trip to Norway. Or Ireland.
Plus, I think I owe it to P for her to see her families (we'll see a lot of Crazy Crew I and Crazy Crew II live in MD, ), I'll make her sign a waiver so she won't blame me for the 'damage' it might cause.