While standing in line to pay for gas on the World's Busiest Airbase, P noticed a display of car air fresheners for sale (to set the scene, the store was quite crowded, as it was payday for Uncle LeRoy's crew):
P: Mommy, what's that? *Pointing to the air fresheners*
Me: Those are air fresheners for the car.
P: What are they for?
Me: They make the car smell good.
P: Can you buy one for the car?
Me: No, we don't need one, the car smells fine.
P: No it doesn't, it's stinky in the back, because I keep farting back there.
It seemed that the moment P said the word 'farting' the store was totally quiet, so her statement was heard by all, and of course they started laughing. I'm hoping they were laughing with me and not at me.
You know that I'm anxious to finish school when I went to register for class on Monday, and was told by the staff that registration doesn't start for another week.
There is a very good chance that P and I will travel to the US for Turkey Day. Where are we going, you ask? The choices are St. Louis, Indianapolis, Alexandria, VA, Jacksonville, NC, Atlanta, GA or Dallas, TX. It's been 17 months since we've been on that side of the pond, and I think it's about time for a short (after 3 days, i'm ready to come back to Germany) visit.
No plans this weekend, except that the Uncle LeRoy's Gang from Geilenkirchen might come down. I'll know in the morning if they decided to come down, because when I wake up there will be folks sleeping on my couch.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Be safe, and don't talk to strangers!!!