P is sick. It all started Saturday evening when she had a low fever. Sunday the fever was still with us. Monday while at the Place that I Pay so She can Play All Day, she used an entire box of tissue because her nose was 'draining.'
Tuesday morning about 0230 (2:30am for you civilians) I noticed she was very hot, and her temperature was 102.8. After issuing her a dose of Tylenol, she went back to sleep. When she woke at 0800 (8am for you civilians) she ate breakfast (fever or no fever, she will NOT miss a meal) and in an hour, she was back in bed, to sleep for about 6 hours. In 3 days, her temperature had not gone below 101.6
I called her doctor at the World's Busiest Air Base, but there were no more appointments available for the day. After making an appointment for today, the nurse said it sounded like P had either an ear infection or the flu. Joy. Joy.
Today, we went to the Clinic, where she was diagnosed with the downside of the flu. We left with 2 prescriptions, one for the runny nose, and another for her cough. Including with these two, she's taking a total of 4 medications at one time.
If temperature stays down tonight, P's allowed to return to the Place that I Pay so She can Play All Day.
My fingers are crossed because she informed me today that she 'just don't like staying home all day.'