It's official...Bruce has a new house. It took me less than a week to sell him. Selling the car has been an enlighting experience.Of those interested, these are a few of the requests:
Someone wanted me to GIVE her the car (because she's 'struggling'). In my opinion, me giving her the car would only add to her 'struggles', and not help at all.
Someone wanted me to 'hold' it for her until her husband returned from school in January. She didn't feel she needed to give me any type of deposit to do this. I was expected to continue paying insurance on it while it was in 'hold' status.
Someone wanted me to let her have the car now, and she would make payments. She tried to plead her case about being a single parent. To me, the President of the Broke Single Parent Crew. After our little discussion, she said 'oh, nevermind'. You got that right.
Since the guy that bought Bruce was always on time, I gave him a little discount. ***************************************************
On to the subject of school, by Friday, I must:
Complete take home midterm for weekend class (includes 6 essay questions)
Modify four 3-5 page term papers for weekend class
Complete presentation about DCMA for weekend class
Design flyer for T/TH class
Take midterm in T/TH class
Comment at least 4 times with 'substantial' comments to chat room for online class. Comments like 'I agree' don't count. I am forced to get all deep about Project Management. It doesn't help that I'm the only one in class overseas. I'm always late for discussions. While I'm sleeping, they are having a discussion party in the chat room.
Complete and submit week's discussion questions to chat room for online class.
With a few late nights, I'll get everything accomplished on time. I always do.****************************************************
When she woke this morning, P told me she had a dream last night :
P: I had a dream when I was sleeping. Me: Was it scary? P: No. Me: What was it about? **she always had dreams about animals** P: There was 2 cocoon's in the house. Me; What were they doing? What did they turn into? P: They were walking around the house, they didn't turn into anything. Me: cocoons don't walk. Are you sure they were coccoons? P: Yes, they were coccoons, they had striped tales, black stuff around their eyes and they walk on four feet. Me: Oh, you mean RACCOONS, not coccoons.
Coccoons, raccoons, you say tomay-to, I say tomotto. It's basically the same thing, I think. ***************************************************
I'm off to complete more homework and participate in some discussions.