Things at the place that pays me are CRAZY! Those of you that know about Uncle LeRoy's fiscal year know what I'm talking about. Since I am the keeper of a portion of Uncle LeRoy's fundage, September is always a crazy month. If all goes well tomorrow (Friday), I'll only have to pick cotton 15 hours, instead of my regular 8 hours.
Because I worked until almost 1900 (7pm for you civilians), I was forced to miss class tonight. Too bad, because I was to turn in a rough draft of a 5 page term paper about typesetting (I hadn't started it yet).
Last week, P had on a pair of shoes that was coming apart at the toe (both shoes). I had bought them at Footlocker in Barcelona, so I was convinced they were falling apart because they were poorly made. Monday, we went to the store on the World's busiest Airbase, and I had her foot measured. Evidently the shoes weren't falling apart because of poor craftsmanship. They were falling apart because they were a size 9 and her foot is now a size 10, and her toe was trying to get out.
School is coming along ok. I'm tired, but I'm also almost finished!
I'm off to bed to rest up for our 'New Year's Eve' tomorrow.
Posted by Margaret
10:01 PM
Right now, I am at the Soon to be World's Second Busiest Air Base, in the ATM room, using the Secret Hot Spot. This is the weekend that Boring Class #2 meets. After this weekend, only 1 more boring weekend, and I'm done with this one.
An update of my school list for the week:
This week a new list starts, but it's not too long. The main thing is that I must do something I've been avoiding...updating my resume. FUN FUN!! Complete take home midterm for weekend class (includes 6 essay questions)
P's friend J spent the night last night so her parents could hangout and pretend to be childless and I could reconfirm the reasons that P will be an only child. Prime example of why I'll only have 1 child: J informed me that P told her that she (J) doesn't have to listen to me and do what I say, because she's (P) the boss, not me. So, for those of you keeping score, P is the boss of the house when she's got friends visiting, and I'm the boss of the house if there is an unused light left on (example: Me: P, if you are done in your room, please turn the light off; P: But, mommy, it's your house).
After a briefing about the chain of command in MY house, there was peace in the casa, and P apologized. Another uprising diverted!
This morning, I woke the Sleeping Beauties up with the idea of loading them in the car, take them to J's house, and they would go back to sleep (it was 6am). NOPE!!!! They were both starving, and after a round of french toast sticks, we were out the door. After stopping at the bakery for fresh croissants, we got to J's house, where they were WIDE awake and ready to start their day, and I was off to the autobahn, headed to class.
***Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning riding down the autobahn all willy-nilly (C. Kyles) while monkey shining (what does that mean?). Do not try this. If you do, and it turns into an altercation, don't blame me (I think I'm now relieved of any responsibility). ***
Proof of how fast I was going on the autobahn this morning (I saw maybe 12 cars/trucks during the 1 hour drive):My favorite stretch of autobahn:
If you enlarge the picture, you'll see P's favorite parkplatz (rest stop) on the left and right. It's nice and clean, and lots of room to run and play. Anything to wear her out and help her the car.
It's getting late, and I'm heading back to my room to catch Pimp My Fahr Rad (Pimp My Bike) on German MTV.
Maybe I need a social life!
Posted by Margaret
10:29 PM
My computer is fixed. I'll give anyone 3 guesses as to what needed replacing (if #1 isn't power supply, then #2 & 3 should be). Over half done, and I've still got 2 days left in the week!****************************************** P is sick!!! She's got the Fall Day Care Crud, which is closely related to other strains (Winter, Spring, and Summer) of the crud. She's REALLY conjested, and she wipes her nose 26896125 times a day, leaving her it a nice shade of red. I have class this weekend, so she had better not 'donate' her crud to me.
Yep, you guessed it, it was the power supply. Once I got it to the store and the power supply was replaced, I added more memory and and a DVD/CD rewriter. Although I did dip into the retirement fund (I'll be working until I'm 75 now), everything was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be.
Even though I use my lap top most of the time, I'm glad it wasn't anything major wrong with the desktop and I was able to get it fixed. I didn't have the 20 bucks P wanted to charge me each time I needed to use her computer.
Here is an update on my school list: Complete take home midterm for weekend class (includes 6 essay questions)Design flyer for T/TH class Take midterm in T/TH classComment at least 4 times with 'substantial' comments to chat room for online class
Posted by Margaret
9:19 PM
First and foremost, my desktop computer semi-bit the dust. The power light comes on but won't boot up. I went to the computer store near the place that pays me and the computer dude had the nerve to ask me when was the last time I opened it and cleaned the dust out. I was honest and told him that the last time was NEVER. So, the problem could be that the hard drive has been attacked by dust bunnies. Maybe I'll open it and take a look, or I'll shoot it and put it out of it's misery. Shooting it would justify me buying another.
I have a new toy. Behold the wonder that is the PlayStation Portable (PSP)~the black object at the bottom of the picture:
It's very much worth the money. If only I can find a hard case to carry it in so it won't get bounce around inside my 20 pound backpack.
Well, I'm off to bed, I must wake and start my Tuesday in just 6 short hours.
Posted by Margaret
11:00 PM
It's official...Bruce has a new house. It took me less than a week to sell him. Selling the car has been an enlighting experience. Of those interested, these are a few of the requests:
Since the guy that bought Bruce was always on time, I gave him a little discount. ***************************************************
On to the subject of school, by Friday, I must:
With a few late nights, I'll get everything accomplished on time. I always do. ****************************************************
When she woke this morning, P told me she had a dream last night : P: I had a dream when I was sleeping.
Coccoons, raccoons, you say tomay-to, I say tomotto. It's basically the same thing, I think.
Me: Was it scary?
P: No.
Me: What was it about? **she always had dreams about animals**
P: There was 2 cocoon's in the house.
Me; What were they doing? What did they turn into?
P: They were walking around the house, they didn't turn into anything.
Me: cocoons don't walk. Are you sure they were coccoons?
P: Yes, they were coccoons, they had striped tales, black stuff around their eyes and they walk on four feet.
Me: Oh, you mean RACCOONS, not coccoons.
I'm off to complete more homework and participate in some discussions.
Posted by Margaret
6:34 PM
Class last weekend was quite BOOORING!! Both days. I made the 1.5 hour drive in 1 hour. Did you know that even though the Jeep Liberty's speedometer goes up to 120mph, you can only go 110mph? Once you reach 110mph, the vehicle begins to decelerate. By itself. Something to do with safety. She was 'coloring' alright. Coloring her feet and hands with marker, making 'rainbow' handprints and footprints (the paper in her right hand). Because I didn't want to mop at 8pm, I was forced to carry her to the tub so I could clean her feet. Thank goodness the markers are washable. ****************************************************************** P has hit another milestone. She has learned to make stars. Besides the bathtub talking to her, changing Crazy Dog's name, and coloring her hands and feet, I think she's a genius. I present to you, the making of the stars:
Don't ask me how I know. I'll plead the fifth.
Sunday after class, P and I came home and had dinner, then she retired to Chaos Cave. I know she was playing on her computer and I did hear her tv on also, so I didn't worry about her. After about 30 minutes, I asked her what she was doing. She said she was coloring. A few minutes later, I checked on her, and this is what I found:
The answers to Mary's questions:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?*I wanted to be a lawyer. Then the 'Killer of all Dreams'(stepmother) found out.
*Visit S. Africa and China (The Great Wall).
Give me some inside info on BJ that I can use against him next time he decides to get mouthy.
*Inside info on BJ...he's actually a good guy. He's been through a lot, and
he still has a decent head on his shoulders.
What's the first thing you're going to eatwhen you getto DC that you can't get in Germany?
Is there anything you'd be reluctant to tell the Princess when she gets older?*Sushi!!!!!
*Nope...if she asks, I will tell (but I won't volunteer any information).
What do you like best about yourself?
*My sense of humor.
When are you ever coming to AZ?
*Lemme check my schedule. When are YOU coming to Germany??
Posted by Margaret
10:10 AM
I'm goin' get me some lurnin' this weekend. Bright and early Saturday morning, I'm off to the Soon to be World's Second Busiest Air Base for my weekend class.
It's official, Bruce is for sale, and is now on the car sales lot on the World's Busiest Air Base. Hopefully someone will fall in love with him and buy him...REAL soon.
P's tooth is still hanging on. She goes to the dentist Wednesday.
Since it's the end of the fiscal year, I'm picking more cotton than I've picked in a LONG time at the place that pays me.
While I'm away for the weekend, go ahead, ask me some questions, there's no limit, and I will answer them upon my return from SWSBAB.
Leave a dollar somewhere where you KNOW a kid will find it.
Have a great weekend!!!!
Posted by Margaret
9:44 PM
While at the place that pays me, minding my own business picking LOTS of cotton at my desk (it is the last month of the fiscal year), in walked a visitor. Once I saw the sock/pants/shoes combination, I thought 'WTF' then 'NO ONE will believe this!!!'. Thank goodness I had my camera (to take pictures of Bruce, the BMW) at work with me.
Now, for your viewing pleasure, take a gander:
That is all!
Bruce, oh, how I will miss thee. P and I have spent LOTS of time with you over the last 2 years. We bonded while cruising down the autobahn at 150 kph and sitting in hours long staus (traffic jams). We've taken trips to Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Venice, Zurich, Lucern, Garmisch (although you did have a slight problem with the snowy Swiss Alps), Munich, Brussels, Disneyland, Sixx Flags, Warner Bros. Park, Legoland and other exciting cities and parks.
You will be sorely missed (I'll really miss not having a car payment every month). I apologize for calling you names like Break My Wallet. The day you arrived, P claimed you as her own (she claimed Louis, too), even though she never offered gas money to take her to endless birthday parties, Disneyland, and that impromtu trip to the Swiss Alps? All P's idea.
I introduce to you...Bruce, the BMW:
Anyone want to buy him?
Posted by Margaret
10:53 PM
By 'law', how old should the child be before the maid I can keep all money (belonging to said child) found in the washer/dryer? Is 4 too young? In the past two weeks, I found $11 in the dryer and 72 cent in the dryer.
Saturday afternoon, P tore herself away from her computer and TV in Choas Cave (her room) to ask for 2 pieces of PLAIN.WHITE.PAPER. (she said it like that, so I wouldn't confuse it with PLAIN. PLAID.PAPER).
About 5 minutes after giving her the paper, she asked for 2 pieces of tape, which I gave her. When she asks for glue, tape or paint, I MUST find out what she is 'creating', so I went towards her room, and saw each of the pieces of paper taped to opposite sides of the doorframe:
(click picture to get the full effect of the signs and
see why her room is called Chaos Cave)
Me: What are those signs for?
P: *pointing to the paper on the left* This one says NO you can't come in my room.
Me: What is the other for?
P: *pointing to the paper on the right* This one says YES you can come in my room, if you give me 20 bucks.
Me: Why should I give you $20?
P: If you give me 20 bucks, you can come in my room and watch my tv or use my computer.
Me: I don't have $20.
P: Fine, you can just give me $4. I know you have it because I saw them in your purse.
Since some of you are keeping score, I must mention that I didn't give her any money. If I did, I'm sure I would find it in the wash next week.
Here is the pic of the new hoop d'ville. Once I decide if it's a boy or girl, I'll need help naming it:
Posted by Margaret
4:00 PM
I've gotten a few questions about our gas prices here in Germany. I'm not sure how they come up with the price, but I'm sure it has to do with the average price of gas in the States.
This picture was taken on Thursday, 31 August, after I got off work. At this station, there are 14 pumps, and each pump had about 5 cars waiting to get gas.
This picture was taken Friday, the VERY next day, at the same station.
Bob the Boob, the car salesman is from Scotland, and he told me that gas there has been over $5.00 a gallon for YEARS.
I picked up the new Hoop d'Ville Friday afternoon, just in time to spend $48 to fill it. . I'll post pictures in the next couple of days.
P has a loose tooth. As she explains it:It's only wobbley loose, not wiggly loose.
She won't be 5 until February. Isn't she a little young to be losing her meat hooks? She did make one thing clear...she says she does NOT want anyone to pull it, because... There will be BLOOD EVERYWHERE!
I'm sure it will be out in 3 weeks. Maybe I can outsource the pulling of the tiny meat hook.
Here is a picture of P's partner in crime Louis/Chico/Crazy Dog/Chico vom Talhof:
Posted by Margaret
9:54 AM