UPDATE: Operation BUTTon (thanks, HDL) is failing miserably. I haven't seen it, and yesterday P informed me that she 'don't want to talk about it any more'. The Doc said that as long as she's not in distress, she'll be fine.
Our flight to Greece departs at 5am on Friday, and our flight back to Germany lands at 11pm. The airport is about 1 hour from the house, which means that I would have to leave the house by 3am, and we wouldn't get home until about 2am. My travel agent's effort to 'maximize my holiday' has left me with a decision to make.
Drive both days, both during the night, leave car parked at the airport. *Most expensive
Stay in a hotel in Frankfurt near the airport Thursday night, and the night we return, so I won't have to make the drive home during the night. I would leave the hoop d'ville at the Newest Closed Base near the airport, which means free parking, and take a taxi to the airport. (The airline we are flying allows for late night check in. I can check in Thursday night, so we won't have to stand in line on Friday morning, just go straight to the gate.)
Rent a car to drop off at the airport, and pick one up to drop off near the World's Busiest Airbase when we return. There would be no parking to pay, but I WOULD have to drive during the night~both ways. *Least expensive
Considering we leave in 6 days, I think I need to make a decision soon. I think scenario #2 is most logical. Maybe I should start packing, too.
What do you think?