Last week, I notice that the rear driver's side tire of the hoop d'ville was a tad bald. I would have replaced the tire, had it not been only 3 months old. So off to the tire store where I purchased it for them to take a look at it.
After 2 very clean guys looked at it, they said that the tire was so worn because it looked like i needed new shocks (the 2 clean guys were suspect...who trusts a clean mechanic?). They proceded to point me in the direction of 'their' mechanic down the street...NOT!!! I think he was giving me the directions to his cousin's back alley garage. I DON'T think so!! Nothing but the best for Bruce...MY friend's back alley garage!!
Friday, I stopped by the shop that always take my money when they work on Bruce. There, I was informed that I did, indeed need new rear shocks (estimate: €273/$332). I made an appointment to drop the d'ville off on Monday at 8am. About a 10am Monday morning, I called to check on it, and was told that they will call when finished. About 10:45, the mechanic called and said that I would also need 2 new tires (DUH!!!). I told them it was ok (add €106/$129) to replace the rear tires. About 3pm, I received another call from the mechanic: Bruce needed new bushings on the driver's side (the cause of a thunking noise). Fine, I say, since they already had the car, it's better to get everything done now (add €100/$123). So, €479/$584 later, the d'ville is once again ready for unlimited speeds on the autobahn. Although I dipped into the retirement fund, and now have to work an additional 15 years beyond retirement age, at least I can drive REALLY, REALLY fast now.
Once again, I am convinced that BMW stands for Break My Wallet.
My Statistics class is coming along great. I got an A on my first test. 3 more to go, and the term is over.
After seeing the news the past couple of days, I have a question...are there sharks in the Agean and Mediteranean Seas near Greece? Most importantly, if there are sharks in the general area, how do they feel about Americans? Maybe the Embassy in Athens can answer my questions.
We leave for Greece in 10 days...if you are not already on the Permanent Postcard List and would like a postcard, let me know.