Nothing much has been going on here except for a 2 1/2 hour meeting at the daycare on Wednesday about P's behavior. Everyday for the past 2 weeks while picking P up, D or I have been met with: She hit/kicked/bit a teacher (or someone else) today. In a nutshell, this is what happened on Wednesday, about 20 minutes before I arrived for our meeting: P was eating lunch, and was almost finished when she asked for more rice. T-Dumber threw the rice in the trash...knowing P wanted more. What did P do, you ask? She had a MASSIVE meltdown (did I mention that she's an Eating Machine?), and because she wouldn't calm down, T-Dumb took all P's personal belongings (blanket, pillow, jacket) from her cubby and put it all in the teacher's closet. P continued to do her thing (scream, cry, turned over a bookshelf), and P told me that T-Dumber told her that because she was acting like that, she couldn't have her CareBear that she left at the center Tuesday because 'I took it home to my boy, and he said thanks' (T-Dumber said she didn't tell P that, but how does P know she has a boy??). By the time I arrived, P was beet red, her eyes were swollen and she was still crying. When I walked in the door this is what I hear: P kicked T-Dumber, and bit T-Dumb There was no mention of the rice (which started the ball rolling) or the comment about the P's toy being at T-Dumber's house. Once P was calm, we went on to the meeting to discuss what is going on with her. The point I tried to get across to those in the meeting (to include D) was that SOMETHING is making her react the way she do I know this? Because she doesn't walk in the commissary knocking stuff off the shelf, nor does she hit/kick/bite outside the center. The outcome of the meeting? Once the meeting was over, I went back to the class to check on P. Naptime was over, and she was doing better. I asked her what happened at lunch, and she told me: I wanted more rice and T-Dumber threw it in the trash It will be handled
After hearing this, and the 'episodes' getting progressively worse, I requested a meeting with one of the Director's staff and Head Caregiver In Charge to discuss the issue (I was really surprised that D wanted to be involved!).
During the meeting, the discussion revolved around:
I took P to the Director's staffmember and had her ask P what happened during lunch. P told her about the rice and also told her about her toy 'being at T-Dumber's house'. At that point, the light bulb went on, and the Director's staffmember realized she had a SERIOUS problem on her hands. She looked at me and said 4 words:
Today, they all had a meeting with the Director, and I am happy to announce that for the first time in over 2 weeks P had a drama free 'good day at school'. I am not saying that P's behavior is acceptable when she gets worked up, but T-Dumb and T-Dumber are either part of the problem or part of the solution...and the way they were doing things, they weren't a part fo the solution...which leaves only one choice...they are/were part of the problem.
I promised P that if she had a good day on Friday, I will buy her anything she wants. What does she want? Being the Eating Machine that she is, she wants a banana split. If she does her part, I will certainly do my part and get her a banana split tomorrow.
When I picked up the mail today, look at the pleasant surprise I got from Ms Pigsley:
All I have to say is that BEFORE I made it home, I knew that both the sauces and rubs were deeeeeelish, and I had a stain on my new shirt to prove it! I think the bear is for P, but SHHHH, don't tell her, because I might keep it! Thanks, Ms. Pigsley and
G-man for the package, I really appreciate it! You should be getting one in the next few days.
On the way home, we saw a few of P's friends, and I stopped to ask them if they knew where I could find a decent roast (so I can use my new rub and sauce) to put on the Big Ass Pit. Of course they looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language:
Someone asked if I live in the country since I always talk about the animals near my house. No, I don't live in the country. I live in a village (a large subdivision). The villages are separated by long stretches of road and usually surrounded by LOTS of land. This is where we live (not in a tree, but behind the tree, in a house in this village):
I'm SOOOOO glad that tomorrow is Friday!
Posted by Margaret
9:22 PM
Aries, this is for you! Boy, do I miss St. Louis!!
You Know You're From St. Louis When...
You love toasted ravioli with Budweiser beer.
You know, within a three-mile radius, where another St. Louisan grew up as soon as they open their mouth.
You know what a Pork Steak is...and what kind of sauce to put on it!
Your first question to a new person is, "Where did you go to High School?"
"Vacation" is a choice between Silver Dollar City and Lake of the Ozarks.
You can find Pestalozzi Street by aroma alone.
You can get anywhere in 20 minutes, except on highway 40.
You can debate for 30 minutes whether Missouri Baking or Marge Amighetti makes the best Italian bread.
You know what "Party Cove" is, and where the "lake" is.
You still can't believe the Arena is gone.
Your non-St. Louisan friends always ask if you're aware there is no "r" in "wash."
You know at least one person who's gotten hurt at Johnson Shut-ins.
You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football.
You think the four major food groups are Beef, Pork, Budweiser and Imo's.
You know there are really only three salad dressings: Imo's, Zia's and Rich and Charlie's.
You'll pay for your kid to go to college unless they want to go to KU.
You would rather have a root canal without anesthetic than drive on Manchester on a Saturday afternoon.
It just doesn't seem like a wedding without mostaciolli. AND YOU PRONOUNCE IT 'MUSKACHOLLI'. The balance of the menu is ham, boiled roast beef, string beans with ham and of course pitchers of Busch Bavarian (class weddings have Bud)
Everyone in your family has floated the Meramec River at least once.
A hoosier is someone that lives just south of Chouteau, not a person from Indiana.
You have made fun of Mike Shanahan and tried to imitate him ordering another cold, frosty Busch Bavarian Beer.
You have listened to Mike's broadcast on KMOX, while watching the game on TV and wonder what game he is watching. A tear forms in your eye as someone mentions their favorite Jack Buck story.
You've said, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."
Your favorite summer treat is handed to you upside-down
You bleed Blue between September and May and Red between March and September
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from St. Louis.
Posted by Margaret
9:50 PM
For about the 5th time since Chistmas, I have lost my debit card...the ONLY one the bank will give me. I stopped for gas on base after before class this evening, paid for the gas, and got back in the car. After I left one base and went to another for class, I realized that I didn't have my card. I called the gas station/store and, NOPE! no one found it and turned it in.
It never fails...I ALWAYS lose my card a few weeks before P and I embark on a mission to another country. In 16 days, we are off to Spain. Hopefully the replacement card will be here and I won't have to travel with wads of cash stored everywhere, like I had to do while in Rome (I was still finding money 2 months after we got back). I don't care where you are, no one wants wet folded money from your shoe.
If the card doesn't arrive before we leave, I'll make sure I have the address and phone number to the US Consulate in Barcelona, in case I need to borrow a few bucks from someone. I might have to give them my 'Broke Single Parent/Disabled Vet' story. Then again, I shouldn't have to because, after all, we both work for Uncle LeRoy, which means I'm good for it.
Posted by Margaret
8:56 PM
Due to the fact that P was at D's house all weekend, I was home alone almost bored to death. Nothing but laundry and semi-spring cleaning.
That's all.
Monday I'm back picking cotton at the place that pays me, and I'm sure I'll have some blog fodder.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Posted by Margaret
7:43 PM
I've been having 'What the...?' moments ALL week, about 5 times a day, from the same thing.
This week, I am in class on the World's Busiest Air Base. The base is an international melting pot, with all countries belonging to the world's biggest gang (NATO) represented. The base itself is pretty much a cash cow, with umpty fazillion dollars flowing EVERY day.
One of the newer buildings is a much needed Teen Center. After school, the middle and high school kids go to the center to do 'homework' and hang out with their friends. It took a lot of time and about a kazillion dollars to get the much needed center up and running.
My class is held in the conference room of this new building. In front of the building is a bench, the reason for my 'What the...?' moments I've been having this week.
Here's the bench...What do you see? Look closer...I know you see it!
Who authorized the purchase of a bench supported by stone penises... in front of the multi jazillion dollar, state of the art Teen Center? I should add that it sits facing one of the busiest streets on the base.
Someone didn't just go out and buy this bench. A lot of important folks had to sign off on purchase orders, contracts and any other paperwork needed to legally spend Uncle LeRoy's money. They HAD to do this on purpose! Why do I think this, you ask? Because it's the only bench in front of the building!!!
Since the bench is right in front of the entrance, I will continue to have 'What the...?' moments until about 1600 (that's 4pm for all you 'normal' folk) on Friday.
Posted by Margaret
9:14 PM
At the place that pays me, I have been trying to get into a certain class for over 18 months. The class is a very important for those of us who are trusted to take care of Uncle LeRoy's monies (as my Grandma would say). I know people who have tried to get into the class for YEARS, but never 'made the cut' (the Big House~DA~makes the decision of who attends from all those who are interested). There was always a reason that I could not attend, such as...'you don't rank high enough', 'you just got here', or 'you are to leave next year, we don't want to train you and you go on to a new job'. In March when I applied for the class, I had not been promoted yet (my new grade is the minimum requirement) and I was also # 23 on the waiting list. I was told the chance of getting in was 'slim to none'. I almost to good home: I'm off to
Monday, while peparing to go to a staff meeting at the same place where I had the altercation at the gas station a while ago, I got a phone call saying that someone had cancelled, and since I was the closest to the training site (the World's Busiest Air Base) and I could attend, if I wanted (I was still #23 on the waiting list). I just had to get the ok from those in charge.
The person in charge said it was ok if I went to the class. So, I've been in class since Monday, and I've learned SO much about my job in the last 2 days (rules, regulations, laws, etc.)! I should add that I am the 'youngest in the class regarding paygrade'. At least 5 fellow fundage keepers have tried to get into the class for over 10 years.
Once the 5 day class is complete, I can take a test (3 modules) and when I pass, it allows me to gain 'super hero status' and place a few letters behind my name that are VERY important to those of us who take care of Uncle LeRoy's money.
Add to this the fact that I have to take a midterm in my other class on Wednesday. Since the midterm is open book and notes, not too much studying to be done.
Email me if you'd like to partake in the goodies.
*************************************** catch up on some blogs study!
Posted by Margaret
8:15 PM
Edit: I was informed by Rox that the writing on the bottle is Hebrew, not Arabic. Most of the back of the bottle is written in Maybe the So, here we have a Mexican beer bottled in Belgium to be sold in Isreal, but instead sold on an American military base in Germany. WHEW! That's what I call International Liquid Crack! Email me if you want one of the empty bottles (Uncle LeRoy says no alcohol can be mailed~ask Mary, she's heard the speech a few times). They are free, while supplies last. If I am forced to replenish my empty bottle stock, do not blame me if I post about my
Last night, while organizing the freezer, I found a long lost bottle of Corona left over from my Assembly Under the Influence post. While picking the shards of glass from the frozen exploded Corona (is that alcohol abuse?), I noticed there is a tad more writing on the front of the bottles, but take a look at the back of the bottles (these two survived the frozen tundra):Arabic Hebrew. There are only 4 things not in Arabic Hebrew: Arabic Hebrew writing is a warning about drinking while atttempting to assemble a BBQ pit...they don't mix.Liquid Crack Corona induced antics.
Posted by Margaret
9:14 AM
As with the iPod purchase, the stars have lined up again: Why is the BAP in the house, you ask? Because before I put it outside, I wanted to get a cover for it. The place on base that let me buy this monstrosity didn't have any until yesterday, and since it's illegal for the Germans to to transport gas containers in their cars, they don't sell gas grills or covers for them off base. So, it's no longer inside furniture, but outside on the patio, waiting for me to catch one of the wild boars (they patrol my village in the middle of the night) to grill.
It's settled, we are off to Spain, in May! Our summer itenerary is now complete.
Posted by Margaret
8:45 AM
I bought a pink iPod mini on did I ever live without it?? Once again, this was an impromptu buy, but when the stars line up like this:
It mans I HAD to get one. I am in love with it!!! After downloading a few songs from iTunes, and seeing everything that it is capable of, I am really impressed with it, and P likes it, too (you'll see what I mean once you view the picturs from the trip~on sidebar below Paris Photos).
Our trip to Keukenhof was great! Although it was a tad windy in Volendam (the city sits ON the North Sea), and it rained later, once we got to Keukenhof Gardens, we still had a good time.
We first stopped for a buffet breakfast in a city about 2 hours south of Volendam. This was the BEST buffet styled breakfast we ever had! Most places that serve breakfast do not serve 'American' styled breakfast (they usually serve bread, cold cuts & cheese, and something to drink). This one served the norm, plus cold cereal, fruit, fresh scrambled eggs, meats, yogurt, juices, coffee, tea, and milk. Of course, the Eating Machine got her money's worth. After breakfast, it was back to the bus for the short ride to Volendam, home of the wooden shoe factory.
Lots of people in the Volendam area still wear wooden shoes, mainly because they are waterproof. With the right socks, I'd wear them all day. P didn't want any wooden shoes, but she did pick out a pair of matching comfy house shoes for us:
After the shoe factory, we went to the cheese farm, in the city of Edam (where Edamere cheese comes from). After the demonstration of cheese making (they make cheese from goat, sheep, and cow's milk), taste testing, and spending a little cheddar on some cheese, it was back to the bus and we were headed to the city of Volendam.
Volendam basically sits ON the north sea. Fish from the sea is a staple of their diet, with smoked herring being the most popular. While there, we had lunch, did a little shopping and played in the rain.
After Volendam, we were off to Keukenhof Gardens. I have been to the award winning Botanical Gardens in St. Louis more times than I can count, but I must say that the gardens of Keukenhof puts the Botanical Gardens to shame! There are millions of flowers blooming, and millions more that will bloom by the end of the season on May 20, a small animal park, a maze made from 7 foot shrubs that P successfully guided us through (this was no small maze. P declared herself the leader as soon as she saw it), and 4 pavillions with flowers on display inside each. Some of the flowers were almost as tall as P.
While at Keukenhof, we saw this cute couple about 28372765 times:
All photos from the trip can be found here.
P was REALLY concerned that Opa (Grandpa) had to carry Grandma's purse (I guess because I make her carry her own bag).
After Keukenohof, we were back to the bus for a dinner stop somewhere in Holland, then back to base to get the car and go home. We got home at 1:35. I must admit, that was the best 24 hours we'd had in a LONG time.
Next up...Disneyland Paris (unless we find something to do in May).
Posted by Margaret
1:19 PM
When I woke this morning, (after the two corona turmoil last night) I was on my way to the door to let Crazy Dog outside in an effort to show him that he REALLY is a dog, I was met by the monstrosity that is the new is a BAP (Big Ass Pit), with 3 racks, AND a side cook surface. What do I need a side cook surface for?? I just stood there looking at it thinking 'What in the H-E-double hockey sticks (extra points if you know who said that) was I thinking?' It's just P and me, and due to our busy schedule, we don't have lots of people over, and ain't that much cooking for 2 people in the world. I really don't remember putting most of it together.
Yesterday's post...don't remember doing that, either. I do think it's cool that even though I was likkered up, I had no typos...must be the nerd in me.
On another note...something happened yesterday that made me believe for a second that maybe Uncle LeRoy DID put a man on the moon:P'S DAD BOUGHT HER A RAINCOAT...TO LEAVE AT MY HOUSE...AND DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY MONEY IN RETURN!!!
This may not mean much to you, but this is a BIG deal! I had mentioned to D (not expecting him to buy one) that I couldn't find one anywhere. Why is this a big deal you ask? Because he NEVER lets her bring anything to my house...let alone leave it at my house and he never buys her anything for use at my house! This is basically because his girlfriend (he called her his 'life partner' when we went to court~~whole 'nother post), whom I affectionately call Future Ex-Stepmother has convinced him that he does too much for P. How much is too much in her eyes? Child support. That's it. Nothing else. NOT ONE DIME MORE. It's not my fault that Uncle LeRoy doesn't mess around when it comes to caring for the kids. So, you, see, a much needed raincoat from him IS a big deal.
Comparing what D does for P to what her son's father does for their son (he does nothing for him), then D does do a lot for P...even if it's the minimum.
This evening on the way home, P informed me that when she gets 'bigger' she is moving to a farm, with lots of baby cows (so she can play with them), and baby yellow chicks. She also told me that she I will have to pick her up every night so she can sleep at my house (so I won't be alone), and take her back to her farm in the morning.
I told her that when she gets bigger, she's not moving to a farm by herself, we are moving into the dorms at somebody's college.
Posted by Margaret
11:58 PM
While at lunch today, I decided to buy P a bigger bike, because her old bike was the smallest 2 wheeler they make. Now that she's an Eating Machine, she has outgrown the teeny tiny bike. I found one that's one size larger . I put the training wheels on the new bike because I'm scared for her to ride the bike without them.
I also bought a gas grill. Did I need it? No, but I'll use it (just like the iPod). I read the assembly instructions at work, and they seemed pretty easy and straight forward, but there were all kinds of warnings in the booklet...about the gas tank, regulating heat, how to store the grill, etc... There was NO warning against Assembly Under the Influence.
*SIDENOTE: I am NOT a drinker. The drunken barracks antics of my youth are LONG gone. Now, back to the story*
I had consumed 1/2 of a Corona before I started. About a third of the way through the assembly, I had to dismantle most of what I had assembled, because it just wasn't right. Once I was 90% done, I noticed that there are about 8 screws nuts, all the same size and color that I had not used. While drinking the 2nd Corona, I tried to read the picture instructions to find out if I had missed a step. NOPE!! All the pieces were in the correct place, but I now have 10 extra pieces, and the damn thing is a tad wobbley! I thought about calling the company to inquire about the extra parts, but once I would start slurring, I'm sure they would have hung up on me (toll free numbers are NOT free for me). After 2 Coronas, I can't function...boy, I'm off my game!
In an effort to save money, I'll wait until Thursday to call, I'm sure I won't be slurring then, mainly because I'm out of Corona. DAMN!!
Posted by Margaret
11:01 PM
We leave for Holland to visit the Tulips EARLLLLY Saturday morning. When I say early, I mean early, it's almost still Friday. We are riding a BAB (big ass bus) with a bunch of other folks. Along the way, we stop for breakfast, stop by a lace factory, a wooden shoe factory, and one of the largest cheese factories in Holland, all enroute to the tulip gardens in Keukenhof. On the way home, we stop for dinner, then it's back to the homestead to sleep all day Sunday. I know there will be plenty of pictures to post. P is really looking forward to the trip, not because of all the places we will visit, but because we get to ride a bus. She LOVES riding the bus. Nothing but DVD watching and snacking the whole way for her.
If you want a postcard send me your address and P will pick one out for you (or something else~like a shot glass with the Eiffel Tower on it), autograph it, and we'll send it to you.
For those with Gmail accounts, did you notice that they have increased the storage capacity from 1G to 2G and counting?? If you don't have a Gmail account, and would like one, email me, I have 100 invites.
Posted by Margaret
10:02 PM
Remember when someone told you to 'Be nice to people on your way up, because you might see them again on your way down'? You had better believe this is the trufus Rufus!!
At the place that pays me, there is a new person. I worked with this person when I first started working for Uncle LeRoy. I was the new person, LOWEST on the totem pole, and she basically treated me like the presents Crazy Dog leaves me in his litterbox. I am nice to everyone, until you cross me.
To make a long story short. One day, at the old cotton field, there was something she needed done, but could have waited until the new month started. I told her that no one taught me how to override the system to accomplish this mission that was 'hot'. She wasn't very happy with that answer, kept yakking at me about it. When I looked away to my computer to see who sent me a message she told me:You better look at me when I talk to you.
I had to catch my self before I was escorted from cotton field! I told her that my own father didn't talk to me like that, and she needed to leave my office, before I do something and get fired (it takes a lot to get bumped from Uncle LeRoy's team, and what I was thinking about doing would have justified the bumping of me).
Fast forward 3 years, and guess who the new person is?? Guess who the lowest on the totem pole now?? I should add that she's been working for Uncle LeRoy since 1989, and I have been working for him since 2001, and we are on the same level now...equals. She won't be too happy when she finds that out.
Honestly, I hold no grudges. I am there to pick cotton, so I can afford food and DVDs for the eating machine. All I do is pick my share of cotton and go home.
So, to recap:Be nice to people on your way up, because you
*********************************************************************might will see them again on your way down.
On another note...
My weekend class in Heidelberg has been cancelled. That leaves LOTS of time to sleep and do laundry, since P will be with D for the weekend. She hasn't even left yet, and I'm already counting down the hours until she comes home Sunday evening.
Everyone take care, and have a great weekend.
Posted by Margaret
10:34 PM