NOTE TO SELF: If I spend more than $20 on a bottle of wine, CHECK THE ALCOHOL CONTENT FIRST!! I don't care how expensive it is, I'm still going for effect (flashback to days in the barracks).
If any of the PS is nice to P, in February they MIGHT receive one of the coveted invitations to P's birthday party~~she DOES throw some pretty cool parties.
How much TOO much?? There should be an unspoken rule among the Preschool Set that in no way should I feel OBLIGATED to haul P to EVERY birthday party she's been invited. There will be no chillin' at my house this weekend, there are 3, yes 3 birthday parties to attend. Word is out among the PS that Kennedi gives some pretty cool gifts. CORRECTION, P HAS NOOOO MONEY (not counting money 'borrowed' from my purse), I GIVE SOME PRETTY COOL GIFTS!
Donor said one of his friends invited her to a party Saturday afternoon, and there is another party for one of the kids in class that evening (who has a party for a 4 year old at 5PM??). Then on Sunday, P's parttime best friend is having a skating birthday party.
I think I will make a few rules regarding birthday party invitations:
On to the kid talk: 2 weeks ago when M was at his dad's, a mother called my phone at 9 pm on Friday night to let me know that her kid was having a party the following day, at 3 pm. Needless to say, M didn't make that shindig.
And did I already ask what day in February her bday is? M's is the 25th.