Since it's difficult at best to find any new/old/current/outdated movies in these parts of the universe, I ordered a couple dvds from Barnes and Noble. I have one question for BnN...WHY DO YOU SEND MY PACKAGES SPACE AVAILABLE?? It's not like they charge me any less to put my teeny package on the slow boat to China. You should take a hint from Polo, the Gap, Old Navy, and Amazon and SEND MY SH*T PRIORITY!!
It's bad enough that the dogs at Customs think there are fire hydrants inside my PRIORITY packages, and they are smashed or sometimes opened (retaped with super duper tape) when I get them. I would rather get a smashed package in a week (Priority), than get a perfect package 3 weeks after I ordered it (Space A).
Oh, and one 'nother thing...Space A shipping is cheaper than Priority. Why do they continue to charge me for Priority shipping? I AM a broke single parent, just tryin' to get a Chris Rock DVD that comes highly recommended by Mary!
On to something else...
I have been here in this part of the world for a few years. After all this time, those that I hold near and dear to my heart in the US still don't understand the concept of time zones.
In 1999, when the St. Louis Rams were in the Super Bowl, my sister called me before the game started. This was our conversation:
S: How many hours are you ahead of St. Louis?
I must say she IS my favorite time 'tard. Another time, she called and asked me to check online and tell her what the lottery numbers were when the PowerBall was $200M, so she can go play the numbers. She thinks since my time is ahead, EVERYTHING is ahead.
Me: 7 hours, why?
S: Since you are 7 hours ahead, who won the Super Bowl? I want to bet some money on the game.
Which brings me to this morning~~when the phone rings at 2AM, the first thing that comes to mind is: Who died? Well, no one died, the other time 'tards WANTED TO KNOW WHO WON THE ELECTION, SINCE IT WAS ALREADY AFTER MIDNIGHT HERE!
After the 3rd phone call, all of which I answered 'Call S, she can explain it to you', I turned off the phone, hoping to get back to sleep. Then the cell phone started ringing, so I turned that off, too.
Don't worry, no one died at home.
Oh, and if you ever get the CD DVD I hope you like it!