The winner of the 'Guess the New Place that will Pay Me' contest is...
She was the first person to email me with the name of the correct base, city, and state. She even named the county (for extra credit, I guess). Megan, your gear will be in the mail before the week is out.
The name of the new place where I will pick cotton is....
Crazy Crew I still hasn't figured it out, and I don't think they will. I blame the Hazelwood Public School System.
As soon as a few secret squirrel issues get worked out, we'll be on our way. Hopefully we'll be there in the early July, because P was accepted at the school that I applied for, and their school year starts in mid July.
Now, another 'issue' I rent or buy a house? I really don't plan to stay there more than 3 years, and I'm not exactly sure as to what to do.
Do I buy or rent?