It seems that my fluff n' stuff resume has worked it's magic.
Last Thursday about 1700 (5pm for you civilians), I received a phone call from the Finder of All Jobs telling me that she found me a new place accross the pond to pick cotton. She tld me that the position is EXACTLY what I wanted, so I verbally accepted the position. Friday morning when I arrived at the place that pays me, I promptly hunted down the Finder of All Jobs and formally accepted (in writing) the offer. The deal is done...we will be back in the US before the end of the summer!!!
My main concern with moving back across the pond is to find a school for P. Since I know a few folks at the new place that will pay me, I called them to find out about places of confinement schools for her. I talked to P's friend J's mom (did you follow that?), and she told me that the school J goes to is technically in session all year (basically 9 weeks on and 3 weeks off, with summer break about 5 weeks). She LOVES it!! I contacted the registration office and sent them and application for P to attend.
I've told Crazy Crew I (mi familia) that we are moving back across the pond, but I haven't told them the location of the casa nueva. Why, you ask? Because I am holding a contest of sorts, and I think that you fine readers should also have an opportunity to win a motherload of World Cup 2006, German treats and souvenirs. So, here's the deal...only 2 readers of this here spot know the location (and are therefore disqualified...I'll send you both consolation prizes)...I'll give 3-5 clues a week the first person to email me the correct city, state, and name of Uncle LeRoy's property where I will pick cotton will win the plethora (my new favorite word) of prizes.
So far, the hints are:
Email me if you know the answer.
I'm actually excited about moving, but not about packing all that I've accumulated (I moved here in 1999 with 3 bags of clothes and a snowboard) and shipping the New No Name Car. Anyone want to come over for a visit and help?
Vee, you asked about Nuttella. A World Cup 2006 soccer ball shaped container of chocolately hazel nutty goodness is in the mail, on the way to Code. Hopefully he'll share with you.