One day last week when I picked P up from the Place That I Pay So She Can Play All Day, the teacher informed me that P had called one of the other kids in the class a bad name. I turned and asked P what she had called the girl, and she told me that she called her an asshole (the teacher said P heard another child say it on the playground). I told her that that was a bad word, and she shouldn't be calling names.
When we got in the car, P started the conversation again:
P: I thought you said ass is a bad word.
Me: It is a bad word, and you shouldn't say it.
P: I didn't say it, I said asshole.
Me: Any word with ass in it is a bad word, and please don't say it again.
P: If I can't say it, how am I supposed to eat at school?
sidenote: At the PTIPSSCPAD, they have family style dining, with 5-7 kids sitting at the table.
Me: What does that have to do with you eating?
P: I know that pass is just ass with a p in the front, and if I can't say it, how am supposed to ask my friends to pass me some food when I eat at school?
Me: Use sign language, you know the sign.
That was the best that I could come up with while sitting in traffic, trying to leave the World's Busiest Air Base. Another word to add to the list of 'bad' words that P shouldn't say. Yes, there is a list.
I've finally received P's new passport (the old one expired on 6 April). Now that she is a legal tourist again, next weekend we will be off on our annual pilgrimage to Keukenhof to see the flowers and hang out in the Netherlands. Hopefully we'll 'get lost' and end up in Amsterdam.
Let me know if you want a postcard. It's never too early to start the list.
Speaking of passports...why did P's passport cost me $82 to renew, and it is only good for 5 years, but an adult's passport is valid for 10 years cost only $67? No one has an answer (not even the State Dept). I think it's another one of life's great mysteries (much like the walking on the moon thing and that at every birthday, Big Bird turns 6 years old).