I just remembered that my one year anniversary at this here blog is sometime soon. Imagine my surprise when I checked my archives and saw that today is the day!!! I started this blog on 22 October 2004.
Every blogger has that ONE person that encouraged them to start their own blog. Mary encouraged me.
It's easier to reflect on the year when it is written down. Some of the highlights of the last year are:
P turned 4 and turned into an eating machine (hasn't stopped yet)
I've earned 24 credit hours in college, with a 3.6 GPA
I've earned my Associates of Arts in Computer Studies
At the place that pays me, Uncle LeRoy increased my compensation for pickin' cotton by 22% (and I REALLY appreciate it!)
I've been formally warned that I'm being kicked out of the Broke Single Parent Club (evidently I no longer qualify)
P has lost her first tooth, and the second one is on it's way out, too
I sold my ever faithful Bruce and bought a new hoop d'ville (which has no name yet)
Thanks to the readers that stop by to read about us and our place across the pond. Hopefully during our visit to the DC area in November we'll get a chance to meet.