Even though I was off work for the last 4 days, my weekend didn't seem very long.
Friday afternoon we went to hang out with members of the World's Biggest Gang. Saturday morning WAY before the sun came up, I drove to the Soon to be Second Busiest Air Base for class. After a final exam in the afternoon, we were released, and that class is complete! Sunday, after lounging all day, we got together with some gang members for dinner. Monday after sleeping in, we hit the road, and headed back home.
For the past 3 weeks, P has had a loose tooth, and it got looser by the day. Someone in her class at daycare informed her that it would hurt and bleed if someone pulled it, so much of our weekend was spent with me 'convincing' her to let me pull it. So far, this is what we agreed she would get if she let me pull the hanging, wobbley tooth (but who is keeping score?):
Most times, she would let me get close, but not close enough to get a grip and yank. But then, I caught her while she was distracted, and out came the tooth!
Here is the result (my very own snargle tooth):
This is a sign near my friend's house in Geilenkirchen:
Everytime I see the sign, this is what I think about: If The Netherlands is to the right AND left, what country does the road in the middle (the one I'm on) belong to? Do you think I've found the elusive 'No Man's Land'? I think I did.
Maybe I can claim it as my own, and start my own country.
During the ride home, P was complaining about the sun in her face, and after about 10 minutes, she said sh was going to sleep. This is how she went to sleep:
It's back to pickin' cotton tomorrow, and 2 more days of class, and the term is over!!! Next term...2 classes, and I'll get my Bachelor's degree!!!