P recieved a birthday invitation for one of the boys in her class earlier in the week. I asked her what we should buy for the Birthday Boy. She told me she didn't know, so I told her we'd ask him the next time I saw him. I saw Birthday Boy on Thursday:
Me: What should I buy you for your birthday?
BB: I'm gonna need you to buy me a race car track. The one that the cars stay on, 'cept I want trucks and not cars.
Me: Um...I'll tell your mom what you want.
BB: NO! Don't tell her, she said she ain't getting it for me, so I'll need you to get it.
Birthday Boy may be one of the nicest kids in P's class, but I'll still get him a GIANT box of legos.
This morning while P was having her 6am breakfast (as opposed to the 8am breakfast) she had a grand idea:
P: Mommy, I want to go somewhere.
Me: Where do you want to go
P: I want to go to Las Vegas.
Me: What's in Las Vegas?
P: They have lots of games there and when you play, they give you money.
Where did she learn about Las Vegas?