I found out on Friday, that P's dad was charged with assault for spanking her and leaving bruises. I'm not talking military record charged...I'm talking civilian record charged. Also, I need to get my hands on a complete copy of the police report (it's been read to me over the phone), but because his name is in the report, they won't give me a copy. I have to do a Freedom of Information Act request, which can take up to a month (hopefully not). Once I get the report, my lawyer will send his lawyer a nice little letter (I'm sure he didn't tell his lawyer what has happened to him). In June, there will be a hearing which neither of us will attend and they will decide what his 'punishment' will be (maybe parenting/anger management classes and administrative discipline for his military record). P is at his house right now, and she'll be home in 3 hours. Yesterday, P was involved in her first gymnastics meet, where she got this 'cool necklace'. More pictures from the meet here. P just called me from D's house to inform me that one of her friends that live near him has the yet to be released Winnie the Pooh Heffalump movie, and asked if I could go to the store and buy it for her. Since it doesn't officially get released until Tuesday, how do you explain bootleg/pirated movies to a 4 year old?
Since we live in a not so large military community, most folks have heard about what happened, and a few are brave enough to ask me if what they've heard is true (I'd rather answer the the questions than for them to make up their own stories).
I've had a few conversations that went like this: Nosey: Is it true that you had D arrested because he spanked P?
I have spoken to my lawyers concerning this, and of course they said not to let her go back to his house, forcing him to take me back to court, where he will get BURNED. (sidenote: We have to go to German court, because the military does not get involved in civil matters). I completely understand, but this is where I stand...I have a court order, signed by a German Family Court Judge that says that he gets P on Wednesday evenings and every other weekend. If I don't let her go to his house, will I be charged with comtempt of court? I want to go about this the right way, because I know that two wrongs don't make a right.
Me: No, I didn't have him arrested the military just enforced the law. Also, he didn't just spank her, he took her clothes off and he left bruises on her.
Nosey: He's her dad, how could you do that to him?
Me: BECAUSE he's her dad! If I can't trust him to take care of her and keep her safe, I can't trust anyone.