Daylight savings time~~what a wonderful 'invention'. Notice that it's practiced practically world wide, but no one won the Nobel Peace Prize for it~~that should tell you something!
The time change is cruel to some and inconvient to others. It is cruel to P, who at 3, knows nothing about the concept of time. When her internal clock wakes her at 4:30AM (last week it would have been 5:30AM) and she wakes me, that is CRUEL!! She woke at 4:30AM, and was 'all done sleeping', which means EVERYONE wake up, it's time to do something (talk, watch tv, read, play, etc.). I tried to convince her that I could get at least 30 more minutes of sleep but, NOPE she wasn't hearing it!
It's inconvient to me, because I can use all the sleep I can get (I had class last night, lurnin' me some stuff)! While I'm up, ironing at 4:45AM, she's singing and dancing to the dreaded Care Bears (at least it wasn't Barney). Since she was WIDE awake, she ate breakfast at 5:30~the Lucky Charms addiction is going strong!
This meant I was ready to leave the house by 6:00~~30 minutes early. I busy myself tidying up and get P's coat, and guess what?? SHE WAS SLEEP!!!
Right now, it's a little past 3pm, and it's semi dark outside. This time of the year is really wierd~~leave home in the morning and it is dark, get home in the evening and it's dark again.
Maybe I'll be like the city of Indianapolis and don't change my clock. Then I won't have to worry about the treacherous 3 (P, Care Bears, and Lucky Charms) before 5:30AM.