Saturday, January 01, 2005
It's Going to be a LONG Night...
How do I know it's going to be a LONG night??
- P is at D's house for the night, which means my house is quiet...TOO quiet!
- The only thing on TV is Football, Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter, and more Football~Thank you, AFN!
- I took a 3 hour nap~at 5pm.
- I don't feel like making 'dinner'.
- Crazy Dog is going crazy, walking around the house looking for P.
- I am 'watching' the TV guide channel.
- One good thing...P called and told me that she is going to bed, and will be home tomorrow. THANK. GOODNESS.
As I always do when I'm bored, I guess I'll go shopping online~~for P's computer.
9:11 PM